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Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/KPSRTV/NPPnSRCEmail/dark secrets

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{KP is all alone in the room}

KP: Um, SR is running late. Luckly, I KNOW how to start an email unlike NPP.

{clicks "NewNPPnSRCemail.exe"}

KP: Well, due to privacy, I can't release the info unless.....

{producer pops in}

PRODUCER: You can.

{leaves screen}

KP: .....that happens.

{KP imagines the images as he talks about the secret}

KP: Well, Leo one time ate a toy cockroach because he chews his gum with the wrapper and swallows and someone did the cockroach gag! Oh, and the time Fox was in the shower and someone dismantled the wall revealing him naked! And I could never forget when Cloud, Luigi, and Sonic all combusted in a theater and they had to buy it for breaking it! Oh, and My girlfriend told me she was acctually gay.

{KP starts crying}

KP: It ruined me.

{he quickly regains himself}

KP: But now I got Cute Pom!

{the screens scrolls to show all of the characters metioned but Cute Pom on the left side, looking angry}

KP: {blankly} Uh-oh.

LEO: Ass whoopin added to insult in 3, 2, .....

ALL BUT KP: .....1!!!!!!!

{they jump offscreen pulling KP with them, fight sounds heard}

{The Paper comes down}

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