(even if you aren't vegan)
Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/Green Grass and High Tides Forever/Characters
Main Characters
Iori is Patrick's and Homestar Tiger's best friend. He is ridiculously stupid (In fact, his I.Q. is 159. Negative.), and sometime points out the obvious. His skills at Guitar Hero/Rock Band will be revealed sometime. His character design and name was copied from a character from a fighting game called "King of Fighters". He also appears in Patrick Email.exe, The Homestar tiger & Iori Show, and has his own series (Iori Email.cheese)
Kano is from a fighting game called "Mortal Kombat". He is portrayed as a godly person in this series, as he has the ability to ressurect, along with other things. He has appeared in two YouTube Poops, Only Kano Can Defeat Ganon, and it's sequel. He also has two food products named after him, "Kano Kola" (a soda) and "Kan-o's" (a cereal). Some versions of "Kan-o's" turn milk into blood (A reference to a comic in The Kombat Pavilion). Kano likes (but is also slightly disturbed) by this.
Patrick is one of the main characters in this series. He is best friends with Iori and praises Kano.
Visual Approximation
Dalek is a Dalek. Unlike other Daleks, this one has a personality. He also contradicts himself a lot. He is rivals with Cyberman, for unknown reasons. He speaks with a more British version of his normal accent.
Emerl is a 4000 year old relic called the Gizoid, and was the erradicator of the "Fourth Great Civilization". He was saved by Dr. Gerald Robotnik, and made harmless. He seems to have copied abilities of Sonic the Hedgehog, as well as a missile and a machine gun. He apparently has glasses, but this fact has yet to be proven. Upon eating lots of sugar, he becomes the Super Mega Awesome Rad Lizard, or SMARL, and is a potential threat to the group.
Gemerl is a battle Drone made my Dr. Eggman to eliminate Sonic the Hedgehog with data left over from when his grandfather turned Emerl harmless, and copied the structure, and gave him powerful weapons of destruction. He can merge with machinery, thus making him more useful. He also attempts to eliminate anything he sees as a threat of getting the Chaos Emeralds. He seems to have a distemper towards Kano, and Emerl, and Dalek, and everyone.
Jeran is a knight of Meridell who ended up on this show on his epic quest to toss a stinkbomb into Lord Kass' room. He basically likes everyone but Kano, because he knows he's stronger than anybody but Kano. He seems to have the ability to pull his own sword or shield out of hammerspace if it is destroyed or lost.

If this was animated, Jeran voice would sound like Ike in this Brawl parody. (Warning, contains mild language, bashing of most characters, and an occorance of :well: at 1:07 done by Sonic.)
Major Characters
CD-I Mario
CD-I Mario is Mario as he was in the god-awful game "Hotel Mario" on that god-awful system Phillips CD-I. Hotel Mario cutscenes have been YouTube Poop'd alot.
CD-I Luigi
CD-I Luigi is Luigi as he was in the god-awful game "Hotel Mario" on that god-awful system Phillips CD-I. Hotel Mario cutscenes have been YouTube Poop'd alot.
Shao Kahn
Shao Kahn is the final boss from Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3 and Ultimate MK3. He likes to insult and threaten people with phrases he used in the games, such as:
R2-D2 and C-3P0
2 Droids from Star Wars. R2-D2 is hyperactive and brave, while C-3P0 is Cautious and Smart. They both friends of Dalek, and also more liked than him.
He met the group in episode 7.
Minor Characters
Sephiroth Appears a few times to comment on the situation. In most situations, he stands back and watches. However, in some occasions, he also gets killed.
Chaos is a kind of common Minor character in the series. You hardly ever see him, and he's thus far only appeared in small cameos. His biggest role was in episode 3, where he and Kano spent roughly a week playing demonic video games in the living room.
Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung is from Mortal Kombat, like Kano and Shao Kahn. Shang seems to appear more times than Chaos or Sephiroth. Shang steals souls, but hasn't stolen any in the series yet. Patrick sometimes hates him for some reason.
Jarek is from Mortal Kombat 4 and MK Armageddon. When he appears, He always says "THE BLACK DRAGON LIVE ON!" And then he gets killed/injured by Kano. Kano hates Jarek because he stole his moves; And Jarek hates Kano because he betrayed the Black Dragon clan (or so he thinks) and stole his move ideas. So far, he has only appeared in the Pilot episode.
Super Mario World Cartoon Luigi
Super Mario World Cartoon Luigi (Or SMWC Luigi for short) is from the Super Mario World Cartoon (as assumed in the name). He is also called "Mama Luigi" because Yoshi called him the same name in that show's (I think) final episode. He has appeared in too many YouTubePoops to count. He also seems to be Emerl and Gemerl's favourite punching pag. In episode 4, he proved his worth by defeating Shao Kahn.
Coming Soon
Super Mega Awesome Rad Lizard, or SMARL for short, is the first enemy in Green Grass. And is only Emerl, Sugar High, dressed as a "Shoot-Em' Up Lizard" from Spyro 2:Ripto's Rage, the greatest game ever made, that None of you probably remember.
Honey The Cat
Honey is the first Girl in the series, as well as Emerl's girlfriend. Emerl said he found her on the side of the road, at night, while his "glasses" were at Lenscrafters. Upon actually seeing her in broad daylight(and still without glasses), he fell head over metallic leg extensions for her, and then the two became a couple. Honey states she likes Emerl because He's not only funny, but youthful and energetic.
Chu is Honey's best friend and loyal companion. He is a Chu Chu, an unknown species of space mouse.

Taven is from Mortal Kombat Armageddon. All you really need to know about him, is that NOBODY ****S WITH TAVEN. Not even Kano can **** with Taven! They have battled 75 times, and Kano only won one round. If there's something strange in your neighbourhood, don't call the Ghostbusters! Call Taven! He'll kick that ghost's/whatever's *** to kingdom come! The only thing Taven can't kill is a giant statue of Shao Kahn. A giant living one.