(even if you aren't vegan)
Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/Bell Quest/deleted
From Wiki User Wiki
[hide]Chapter 1
CHWOKA: Chapter 1 was just too precious, they couldn't cut anything from it.
Chapter 2
{Snoring is heard from Chwoka}
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Bellson and Acidgrrl
CHWOKA: {jolting awake} WAGH what did I miss!?
BELLSON: Me and I am Acidgrrl thought it would be kind of creepy to start dating, so we decided to just be friends.
CHWOKA: Oh hey, it's the exact same thing we've already seen.
ACIDGRRL: Stop lying!
BELLSON:{to acidgrrl} Shut it, Im a bell won't hang out with me if he knows we're dating! Or getting married! Which one was it again?
BLUEBRY: Guys humor is best when served old, and out of its original context.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chimer Attack
ALPHA CRAM: Get my belt. Go to my locker and GET MY BELT!!!!!
{Alpha Cram pulls out a shotgun}
BLUEBRY: Ghetto.
CHWOKA: I shudder to think of where he got that shotgun.
H44WP: Oh. My. God.
SKULLB: Look at her- oh forget it
ALPHA CRAM: Greet "Hellote" to the miniscule companion!
{Alpha Cram starts firing the shotgun}
BLUEBRY: At where? Or does he just like to fire it at the ground.