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Wiki User Email Zoo977/halowen/costumes

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Read about the costumes! I will add the rest of Zorax's costumes later.


Image Character Costume Explanation
Hardhatcostumecrappy.png Zoo977 Disco paintbrush A disco paintbrush is an item on It can transform certain neopets to have a disco look. However, this item can only be found in random events (really rare events) and bought in the marketplace for high prices.
Albinoquaver.PNG Albino A quasihemidemisemiquaver A quasihemidemiswemiquaver (we'll call is a quaver) is a fancy name for a one hundred and twenty fourth note. A quaver is as short of a sound as a note can have before being considered a grace note, or an extremely short ornimental note. A grace note can be in the same measure as a whole note in four four times.
Dottaylorswift.PNG Dot Taylor Swift Taylor swift is a country singer in real life. She has written many songs, including love story, which was referenced later on in the cartoon. Taylor swift was an Aerican Idol contestant in a year zoo isn't currently sure of.
Yvonnepalin.PNG Yvonne Sarah Palin Sarah Palin is the mayor of alaska and John McCains running mate in the 2008 american presidential election. Sarah Palin is a hunter, hence the shotgun crutches. Some worry about what would happen if she was president.
Zoraxwiseman.PNG Zorax One of the wise men The wise man are part of the story behind the christian celebration of christmas, marking the birth of jesus. The wise men brought gold, frankensence, and myrr to the baby jesus. Zoo yelled at zorax for using a costume belonging to the church.
Zoraxmenura.PNG Zorax A menura A menura is a type of australian ground dwelling bird. It is most remarkebly known for two features. It has the ability to mimic many sounsd, including artificial sounds! It is refered to as the lyre bird for it's lyre shaped tail. Zoo says zorax spelt Menorah wrong.
Zoraxkinara.PNG Zorax A kinara candle holder In the cellebration of Kwanza, there is a set of candles, called the kinara candles, that are lit on all seven days. They represent unity, self determination, responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Dot yelled at him for it not being Kwanza.
Zoraxcupid.PNG Zorax Cupid Cupid is a made up faerie baby (which faerie baby isn't made up) that seems to spread love by shooting arrows at people. Ouch. He is used around valentines day on many cards. Zoo claims his right to laugh his head off as he saw zorax in this.
Zoraxleprechaun.PNG Zorax again. A leprechaun Leprechauns are a creature in irish mythology. They are little male faeries of a sort. It is said that if you lay your eyes on one, you cannot take them off the leprechaun. If you do, the leprechaun will vanish.

On the other hand...
