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Marissa's mailbox/notb

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Marissa moves onto the cul-de-sac.
CAST: Dot, Maryling, marissa, marie, jeremy, larry, zoo, etesay, nicholas, maloa, albino, staryu, divzon
SETTING: Nostalgia court, marissa's front yard


{cuts to nostalgia court. there is a three story white house, with a whiet round tower on top, there being a large window surrounding it. next to that is a two story yellow house, with a pie in a window. there is a triple story pokemon center next to that. at the end of the block is a two story orange house with a for sale sign in front of it. dot is outside, skateboarding around. a small moving truck gets in, and dot stops. marylin and marissa get out of the car, marissa holding marie.}

DOT: Hey! The new girls here!

MARISSA: Hello! {holds out her hand} Nice to meet you.

DOT: {shaking maries hand} And your name is?

MARISSA: {sarcastically} Nice to meet you, too.

DOT: {turns towards the white house} {yelling} Jeremy! Larry! The new girls on the block!

{jeryemy rushes out o the house. larry walks out}

JEREMY: Hello! You're the new girl on the block! I was nervous. Not as nervous as my dog. he was jittery. he {dot takes out a paper towel, and shoves it in jeremy's mouth, and he begins making mumbling noises}

DOT: Learn to ignore him.

LARRY: I heard that.

MARISSA: Nice to meet you. {shaking larrys hand} I think.

DOT: It's not.

MARISSA: {puts her hand down} Ah. Are there any other kids on the block?

DOT: One second. {yelling} Yvonne made brownies!

{divzon, staryu, etesay, nicholas, zoo, albino, and maloa come out of the pokemon center.}

ETESAY: There aren't any brownies!

ZOO977: Unless she's {points at marissa} a brownie.

ALBINO: We don't want any cookies.

DOT: She's the new girl on the block.

DIVZON: Pleasure to meet you. {holds out his hand to shake marissa's}

MALOA: {kicks divzon out of the way} Hey! It's my turn!

DIVZON: Bubble beam.

{staryu uses bubble beam, flinging maloa offscreen. larry kicks divzon}

LARRY: Lttle rodent.

DOT: Just for the record, they hold a grudge on each other because of a banana tree.


DOT: Hey, what's the babies name?

MARISSA: Marie. {pronounced like mar-ee}

DOT: I believe it's pronounced marie. {prounces like muh-re}

ALBINO: You're both wrong. It's maylee.

MARISSA: I think I should know my sisters name.

ZOO977: {pointing at the window wiht the pie in it} Caramel apple pie!

{everyone but dot and marissa rush up to the window}

MARISSA: I'm gonna take out my universal mailbox now.

{cuts to marissa's front yard. marissa walks onscreen, holding a yellow mailbox with a book on the side. she rushes offscreen, and the mailbox opens.}

Easter eggs

It's the first toon. What do you expect?