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Lucian's Stupid Smash Bros. Concept/DrCrygor

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Diamond City's Mad Scientist


Dr. Crygor is a cyborg-like mad scientist found in the WarioWare series who performs wacky and mostly harmless experiments on his private island laboratory in Diamond City. He invented a majority of the staples found in the WarioWare world, such as Wario's bike and car, Mona's scooter, Jimmy's cellphone, and more.

In Smash Bros. he would bring a couple of his inventions to the fight.

Special Moves

  • STANDARD: Screw Loose - Dr. Crygor attacks with a three-hit dance move which can be performed after any Smash attack, making it a handy combo move.
  • SIDE: Kelerometer Bike - Crygor hops about an exercise bike off of the Kelerometer and pedals, eventually breaking the bike from its restraints and sending Crygor flying off of it when it speeds forward. Crygor can basically use this bike as a projectile. This move cannot be used in the air.
  • UP: Crygor Jet - Crygor flies with his jetpack until it malfunctions and detaches from him, flying off aimlessly. This is much like Diddy Kong's Rocket Barrel, but the pack flies off regardless if he's hit or not.
  • DOWN: TUNA - Crygor pulls out a miniature version of the "Tri-phonic Undulating Nanobot Automaton" from WarioWare: Touched! and fires an object from it. Before it is fired, however, the player must spin the control stick or rotate the D-Pad, depending on which controller is being used.

Final Smash: Mike Rockin'

Crygor summons his karaoke robot, Mike, and the two start hosting a singing duet. The sound waves can be intensified by rotating the Control Stick/D-Pad and the two make their own individual sound waves. Mike's do minimal damage, considering his singing is good, while Crygor's singing does higher damage since, according to Mike, it is "99.78% awful."