(even if you aren't vegan)
Inside Ted's Head/spellbooks
Spellbooks can be crafted by imbuing regular blank books with magic. Each book requires different items specific to the spellbook, depending on what you're making. There are many spellbooks to be discovered, and each book needs experience to evolve and unlock spells. To give a book experience, you have to open it up to the spell you want to imbue and click the "Learn" button. You do not need to infuse all of the XP at once, and putting the XP in the book is an irreversible process. Once enough XP has been devoted to learning the spell, it will be unlocked. Certain spells can also take more XP to be leveled further. To bind a spell to an inventory hotkey, simply go to the spell's page and drag the spell icon to an empty hotkey slot. The spell icons do not stick to inventory slots and occupy it just like an item would in all other respects. When you switch to that hotkey, your hand will be empty, and pointing and clicking will activate the spell. To use a spell from a spellbook, one needs to use the associated reagants. Reagants are various items that will be consumed to use the spell straight from the spellbook. The strong downside to using tomes is that magic does not function while wearing Chain, Iron, or Diamond armor, and an thus only be used in Leather or Gold. Upon death, you will retain all of your spellbooks that were on your person. Specially unaligned Tomes can be found in dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, temples, and NPC villages. Every tome also has a passive ability that can increase in strength through various methods. Be careful when approaching fellow spellcasters; Some elements are in constant opposition to each other; bearers of specific elemental tomes will become weaker to certain elements when they wield the tomes; To eliminate these weaknesses you must let go of the tomes.
Certain spellbooks can be combined with others to create Lores, which are spellbooks that utilize hybridized elements(for example, combining the tomes of Air and Fire will create the Lore of Storm). Lores function like spellbooks in all other respects, and when the lore is crafted, the tomes will not be consumed and will be placed back into your inventory. Lores are often drawn from the influences of the two spellbooks that created it.
Safety Law Runic () Arcane Mind () Evil Air Ice Water Shadow Blood Storm Create Nature Body Light Fire Magma Earth Good () Spirit Divine Primal Chaos Malady ()
The circles(represented as ()) are mean to be more tomes that have yet to be made.
- Tome of Fire*
- Tome of Water*
- Tome of Air*
- Tome of Earth*
- Lore of Storms*
- Lore of Nature*
- Lore of Magma*
- Lore of Ice*
- Tome of Blood**
- Tome of Shadow**
- Lore of Evil*
- Tome of Body**
- Tome of Light**
- Lore of Good*
- Tome of Mind**
- Tome of Safety**
- Lore of Law*
- Tome of Spirit**
- Tome of Malady**
- Lore of Chaos*
- Lore of The Divine**
- Lore of The Arcane**
- Lore of The Runic**
- Lore of The Primal**
- Lore of Creation*
* - Made
** - Found
With the return of magics, ancient arcane monsters have re-awakened as well. In the wake of the advances of magic, spellcasters of great renown have been appearing around the whole of the world, trying to rise to the occasion and become legends of magic. These special spellcasters also sometimes drop magical items upon death. What's worse, certain mythical creatures and certain magical places are beginning to return to the worlds and if you should stumble upon them, a powerful arcane challenge will be brought before you to conquer, with untold rewards!
Spellwarped Mobs
These mobs represent creatures that are related through common ancestry to regular animal species, but due to the presence of magic in their blood for extended periods of time, these mobs have largely changed and turned into new creatures. Each mob spawns in varying conditions - In addition to sometimes naturally spawning, you can find generated structures containing boss versions of these mobs. Boss Mobs equip their own items that you can win from defeating them.
*none yet*
Iconic Mages
Each of these mages has the tome they're associated with and a special magic item that interacts with the tome. Kill them to receive a magic item. These mages spawn in their own houses that randomly occur either in villages or throughout the terrain.
(to be added later)
Elemental Avatars
These beings are the alpha and omega of raw magical power. Avatars are the beings born on the respective planes of existence who have risen to tremendous power through varying means, now controlling the powers native to that plane of existance. As you cast spells and leave a strong signature of arcane magic lying around, it prompts avatars to appear. Be careful, should you dump too much mana in one spot, an Avatar may arise and fight you!
- Godhead, Avatar of Fire
- Figurehead, Avatar of Earth
- Magpie, Avatar of Water
- Eris, Avatar of Air
- Wukong, Avatar of Nature
- Celio, Avatar of Storms
- Morganna, Avatar of Ice
- Calcifer, Avatar of Magma
For the plain Rhabdophobic, you can create Warlock's Wheels - magic-cancelling structures. When fed a redstone feed, they will activate and create large magic-free zones. There are several grades of Warlock's Wheel, including a personally sized one. These kinds of powers are costly, but if you can manage to assemble them, you can eliminate the magic you so fear. Be careful though; The Warlock’s Wheel drains magic from all magical beings, and can do permanent damage to the magical environment.
Varieties of Warlock's Wheel
Warlock Wheels are graded on range and strength. The higher range, the farther the wheel reaches(both horizontally and vertically). The higher strength, the less magic you can perform within and the faster it drains magic from beings(all Warlock's Wheels disable 1st level spells, each grade disables more and more magic). Avatars destroy Warlock's Wheels when they come into contact with them.
Warlock's Wheels are read as Warlock's Wheel "xy", where x represents range, and y represnts power.
- F- 4 Block Radius
- D- 8 Block Radius
- C- 16 Block Radius
- B- 32 Block Radius
- A- 64 Block Radius
- S- 128 Block Radius
- F- 2nd level and lower
- D- 4th level and lower
- C- 6th level and lower
- B- 8th level and lower
- A- No Tomes can function
- S- No magic, including enchantments or beacons;Potions cannot be used within the radius; Spellwarped Mobs cannot enter.
In addition, you can convert the SS-grade Warlock's Wheel into a pocket Warlock's Wheel that will cancel all spells cast on you, at the cost of making your magic items unusable.