(even if you aren't vegan)
I Love The 2nd Gen/1
NARRATOR: Today on I Love The Second Gen...
You'll confuse your user page for the main page
A floating brain and his chicken
Too many Dangeresque films
Nobody likes NEB-1's style
Homestar Runner's Trading Card Game
BLUEBRY: Ha ha! {holds up trading cards} I remember these.
CHWOKA: I could never really get into it.
VANHOCK: Really?
VANHOCK: ...You suck.
CHWOKA: {nodding} Yeah.
BLUEBRY: You know, I never actually got to play... it was always full...
BADSTAR: This was the FOTM when I first joined the fanstuff wiki. I didn't really like it that much... I thought it was WAY too confusing...
VANHOCK: There were these card things, and you used them to play a game against other people. You had to wait your turn to get to play, though.
CHWOKA: Could you trade the cards?
VANHOCK: I don't think so...
THE SPANISH INQUISITION: I still remember when this won the first Fanstuff of the Month. That was like what, a year and a half ago?
BLUERY: I had... Strong Bad, The Cheat, Coach Z, and Bubs. So my deck could check emails, steal stuff... umm... rap badly... and... uh... what does Bubs do?
BADSTAR: {Staring at the screen behind him. The game's main page is showing on it.}
{Cricket noises}
BADSTAR: Seriously! How the crap do I do this!?
X ON FIRE: Almost every time my turn came, I ended up making everybody wait about a month or more for me to go.
SKULLBUGGY:' Wasn't this just a crappy version of Yu-Gi-Oh or something like that? I vaguely remember it.
Other Character Email Tampo
CHWOKA: Tampo.
X ON FIRE: Tampo.
RYAN: Tampo.
NOID: Tampo.
CHWOKA: For those of you that don't know, Tampo was this giant floating brain, and he was the first boss in Stinkoman 20X6. He teamed up with the chicken boss from level 2, and the robot from level 3, and created a "Boss Trio".
VANHOCK: This effectively destroyed the possibility that you might make an OCE for the other 2, also.
BADSTAR: Tampo E-mail was cool, but I was kinda mad when I found out I couldn't make a Brody E-mail show...
CHWOKA: I think he had an eye, too.
VANHOCK: Because a giant flying brain was just too far-fetched.
BLUEBRY: Didn't this win, like, a jillion awards?
X ON FIRE: OCE Tampo is one of the best {quietly} and only {normal voice} OCEs I've ever read.
SKULLBUGGY: Oh, my, OCE Tampo. The key that opened the gateway for many crappy OCEs. Come to think of it, I was one of those suckers.
NOID: My favorite of the Boss Trio was always Brody. Brody was the man. Or the chicken. Chicken-man.
BLUEBRY: Needed more Kurt Cobain.
RYAN: OCE Tampo was pretty good. I don't see why it didn't go for FOTM. I always liked Stlunko and his lack of contractions.
NOID: Stlunko might be known for not using contractions, but there was one single word in one email where he did! And thanks for that, Josh, because just when I thought I knew it all, you throw curve ball. Thanks. Now I can't sleep.
SKULLBUGGY: Can't go wrong with a giant chicken. Nope.
Main Page-Style Userpages
BLUEBRY: These were on fanstuff too? By god, was nothing safe?
X ON FIRE: This is just another userpage fad I never bought into, like the "This User Is ____...The Reason This User Is ____ Is...This User Will Stop ____ at..."
SKULLBUGGY: Ah, nothing escaped the grubby, pre-teened hands of the Fanstuff Wiki users. I should know--I had something like this at one point.
CHWOKA: It was a wonderful time when people discovered that you could copy things directly off of the main page...
BLUEBRY: Something I found rather annoying were the "donate to this user" boxes at the bottom. Mainly because I actually gave a user my PayPal and he took fifteen hundred dollars, but still.
SKULLBUGGY: Did you know I got fifteen hundred dollars from this one chump? Man, what an... wait, what? He's here? ... Well, I know where I'm a-going.
NOID: I was a trend-setter, not a trend-follower! I had a warning instead that mentioned cheetos or something. I hate Cheetos so much...
SKULLBUGGY: These things were everywhere back in the day! Not to mention those "This User is ____" things that everyone had. I came across a page with like fifty of them on there.
X ON FIRE: I've always wanted to read through the entire series. Luckily, I saved backup copies of them.
BLUEBRY: I made some Dangeresque fanfics once. They were like, the cheap Chinese knockoffs of the good ones.
BADSTAR: Some were good, some were bad. ...Most of them bad.
CHWOKA: I remember that, I think, the VERY FIRST thing I did was make a Dangeresque film. I put it at the ridiculous (at the time) number of 7. It was crap.
VANHOCK: Later on, they actually reached 7, and Mitchell started trying to help you remake it.
SKULLBUGGY: How many Dangeresques were there? Like, twenty? Probably more.
BLUEBRY: My first Dangeresque was "Dangeresque 13: The M Factor". The M Factor was pizza with macaroni. Apparently our bad guys are CiCi's Pizza.
SKULLBUGGY: I checked--there were nineteen of them. I was close, you can give me that!
BLUEBRY: Here's a quote from my award-losing Dangeresque 15 fanfic: "{Cut to Dangeresque Too in the back of a van. His shoes have an "L" on the left and an "R" on the right.}" Fun fact: This was based off of a number of people I know.
{cut to Bluebry laughing, then cut back to Bluebry talking.}
BLUEBRY: No, seriously, I hate all of them. So much.
NOID: I wrote a failed Dangeresque! It was called Mjolnir or something like that that I can't pronounce. They were all human and stuff...kind of weird if you see a guy with a red, egg-shaped head...
RYAN: The worst was Dangeresque 4: The Double-Crosser and the Nazi. A-can I get a rule-BREAK-er?
SKULLBUGGY: There were more, weren't there? Some were unnumbered! And there were spinoffs, too, like Dangeresque, Too? movies.
Other Character Email Nebulon
BLUEBRY: Strangely, people liked its style.
SKULLBUGGY: I didn't like his style. That guy cheeses me off.
{Chwoka walks into frame, pretending to be Nebulon}
CHWOKA: Brau brau brau!
VANHOCK: Go AwAy, NeBuLoN. NoBoDy lIkEs YoUr StYlE!
CHWOKA: Brau, brau, brau...
SKULLBUGGY: The Cheat, do you like Nebulon's style?
JERRY: For the last time I'm not the Cheat. Stop calling me that.
VANHOCK: I'm willing to bet $5 that everybody else is saying something about Nebulons' style and not actually the e-mails.
CHWOKA: They were pretty good all around...
{The main page for Other Character Email Nebulon comes up on the screen behind Bluebry}
BLUEBRY: And there's Season 3 with an astounding two emails.
NOID: Wasn't there some little pyramid guy? Named...Frank of Garret? Am I right? Garret?
SKULLBUGGY: Alright, to be fair, these were pretty good. You know, the twelve emails there were--but hey, who's counting?
NOID: I'm pretty sure he was named Garret...
SKULLBUGGY: He had seventeen emails. Back in the day if you had over five emails you were king. But this was Jesty we're talking about, so it's no surprise to me.
THE SPANISH INQUISITION: I hear Lunar Jesters is starting this up again.
NARRATOR: So there you have it. 5 fanstuffs from the 2nd Gen. Remember, always tune in to...