(even if you aren't vegan)
{open to Wesley ***** sitting at his desk, looking at his computer}
WESLEY:{high-pitched and whiny} Hmm... {glances at his mom, who is on the floor, unconscious} I've creeped enough people out with my smile and chin today. I think I'll look at the Dirty Thirdies and Almighty Second Gens Wiki. {clicks on something with his mouse} Hmm... Hey, what's this? A dirty thirdie has different opinions than I do! {starts foaming at the mouth} AAGH I'M ANGRY {pulls out a cellphone, calls someone}
BROOKS:{from phone} Yeeeeeees?
WESLEY: Hey, Brooks, it's Wesley.
BROOKS:{from phone} Can you make this quick? I'm looking at porn.
WESLEY: ... L-look, some dirty thirdies are saying they support 4chan, and-
BROOKS:{from phone} Tell me their names and I'll get right on it.
WESLEY: Well, it's Bell and ALXXMaXX.
BROOKS:{from phone} ... Can I use Strong Intelligent instead of ALXX?
WESLEY: ... Sure?
BROOKS:{from phone} Good. You won't be disappointed. {hangs up}