(even if you aren't vegan)
Hambrin Email.lax/bloke
First Email is FAIL!
People: Hambrin
Place: Computer Desk
Date: 11/15/09
{hambrin is at a computer}
HAMBRIN: {singing} First email fever! Total Times!
subject: Stinkomanual EntriesYo Hambrin,
Have you added to the WikiStinkomanual yet?
Sincerely sincerely, Strong Rad
{says "Sincerely sincerely" as "sincerely times two"}
HAMBRIN: No. I have not been to that probably virus filled website. But I will go anyways. This computer isn't mine and I'll never use it again. So let's go!
{Hambrin clicks on the link, his screen shows the following message:}
Error: SPAM has died
Pleese Coom Agan
HAMBRIN: See? I told you this was virus filled. Now I going to leave, buy a new computer, and come back some other time. For now, goodbye. {leaves}
{Click Here to Email Hambrin @ Hambrin_Email.lax}
{after waiting 15 seconts, Smartstripe comes onscreen and looks at the screen}
SMARTSTRIPE: What the?!?!