(even if you aren't vegan)
GDDTV/Toons/Episode 6
Alfonzo wants to get a job, yo.
Cast: Dan, Alfonzo, Pete, Ert Plus, Paco the Taco, Employment Agent, Homsar (Easter Egg)
Places: Dan's Apartment, Anonymous Job Office, Waffle Town, Amazingness Apartments (Easter Egg)
Date: January 31st, 2009
{Cut to Dan's Apartment. Dan is lounging around on the couch. Alfonzo walks in in dressy clothes}
DAN: Are you trying to fake having a girlfriend again? Give it a rest man.
ALFONZO: {Fixing his tie} Shut up, you lazy pile of-
{Pete bursts through the door}
PETE: I have pizza!
DAN: {Jumps over the couch and grabs a box of pizza from Pete} You're my hero, man.
ALFONZO: {Pushing past them} Listen, you morons. I have a job interview, so I need to bolt. Now.
DAN: Why would you need a job? We're pretty well off.
ALFONZO: Tell that to our bill. {Pulls a piece of paper out his pocket and starts reading it} Let's see... Cable... Water... Electricity... And does one of you want to tell me why we have a bill for... "Nuclear Reactor Power"?
{Dan and Pete look at each other and smile. Cut to a flashback of Dan's Apartment. Dan, Pete, and Ert have hooked up a generator or something to a shoebox. Paco is inside the shoebox}
ERT: Okay. The Transmoglification Machine is all hooked up. Just flick the switch and you're good to go!
DAN: Sweet deals! You ready Paco?
PACO: Sure, why not?
{Dan switches the machine on. The machine starts to make a whirring noise}
PETE: This is gonna be suh-WEET!
{The box explodes in a flash of green light and smoke. When the smoke clears, Ert, Dan and Pete nervously look down at the box}
DAN: ...Paco...? You ok?
{Paco flies out of the box with a pair of wings and a large nose}
PETE: ...What-
{Cut back to the present}
ALFONZO: {Continuing the sentence} -the hell were you thinking?
DAN: See the thing is...
ALFONZO: I can only assume that you were going to finish that sentence with "We weren't thinking." Am I right?
DAN: Maybe...
ALFONZO: Well regardless I'm still going to that job interview. Excuse me. {Pushes past Dan and Pete and walks out the door}
PETE: Wow. You think he'll get the job?
DAN: {Laughs} Hell to the no!
PETE: Wanna go turn a hamster into a Philly cheese steak?
DAN: Hell to the yes!
{Cut to a Job Application Office. Alfonzo is sitting in a chair in front of the employment agent's desk}
AGENT: So... Alfonzo, was it?
ALFONZO: Yes, sir.
AGENT: Great. Well...tell me about yourself.
ALFONZO: Well I'm currently staying in a residence at Amazingness Apartments. I have some experience in cooking, and I am a pretty responsible guy. I'm normally the one who gets things done around the apartment.
AGENT: Are there other residents living with you?
ALFONZO: My brother, his best friend, and...a taco.
AGENT: A what? Did you say a taco?
ALFONZO: Er...yes.
AGENT: That's...interesting?
ALFONZO: Let's just go with interesting.
AGENT: Good. Well... do you have any past employment experience? Other jobs?
ALFONZO: No. We just recently ran into a bit of money trouble. Up until that point we were doing well with what we came with.
AGENT: So you recently moved to Amazingness Apartments?
ALFONZO: Within the last year.
AGENT: Ah. I see. Well I think I have a few ideas as to where you could find work.
ALFONZO: {Leaning forward in chair} Really? That's great!
AGENT: {Writing out an application form} Okay. Here's your application form. I feel that this is the perfect place for you to work. I want you to take this to the manager and apply for work there. I feel that you'll be perfectly happy at-
{Cut to Waffle Town. Alfonzo is standing behind the counter with an angry look on his face. Dan and Pete are leaning on the counter}
DAN: {Laughing} Waffle Town?!
ALFONZO: Shut up.
PETE: You got sent here?
ALFONZO: Shut up.
DAN: THIS is how you're going to support us?
ALFONZO: Shut up.
PETE: This is too funny.
ALFONZO: I. Hate. Both. Of. You.
DAN: Oh calm down, Alfonzo. We're just messing with you.
PETE: Yeah. We really do enjoy that you work here.
ALFONZO: Really?
DAN: Yeah. It means free waffles for us!
{Alfonzo hits his head on the counter and Dan and Pete high five, hop over the counter, and start grabbing waffles}
{"The End" appears on the scene}
Easter Eggs
{Click on Alfonzo}
{Cut to outside Amazingness Apartments. Paco flies by shortly followed by Homsar, who is flying after him with wings on his hat}
{Cut back to ending screen}
Fun Facts
- Er... Nothing?