(even if you aren't vegan)
GDDTV/Shorts/Episode 1
Ert builds some more; Paco goes to the store.
Cast: Ert Plus, Paco the Taco, Craig (WTF?!), Random Clerk
Places: Dan's Apartment, The Store
Date: January 7th, 2009
{Fade to Dan's Apartment. Ert is in the back working on something in the kitchen over by the broken fridge}
ERT PLUS: {Mumbling to himself} Fridge....future.....I always wanted that pancake....shoulda been mine...
{Paco walks into the room and hops up on the couch}
PACO: How's that....whatever it is coming along?
ERT PLUS: {Still working} It's coming. I'm still not sure if it will work...
PACO: I'm sure it'll be fine. Anything I can do to help?
ERT PLUS: {Gets up} Actually, you could run to the store and pick up a few parts for me.
PACO: Sounds simple enough.
ERT PLUS: Sweet. {He scribbles some stuff down on a piece of paper, and sticks it in his wallet. He tosses Paco his wallet}
PACO: I'll be back soon. {Gets off the couch and exits the apartment}
{Cut to The Store. Paco walks in the entrance and looks at his list}
PACO: Quantum Hoozidizer....Gemronical Whatchamacallit....Jlamminizer...
{Craig from Bonus Stage randomly walks up to Paco}
CRAIG: (Talking slowly as he always does) Sweet...I'm at the store...
PACO: Hey, do you know where I can find these things? {Hands Craig the list}
CRAIG: Sure... {Takes the list and puts on reading glasses} Well...you could follow me...I know my shiz-NITE...I've been on this scene for yeeeeeears...
PACO: Ok then! {Hops in a shopping cart} Lead the way, my friend!
CRAIG: {Taking off glasses} Ok...please keep your arms...and legs...inside the vehicle at all times....
{Craig grabs the cart and darts off at sonic speed. Heavy metal music is playing in the background as they ride through The Store. Craig has an insane look on his face and Paco is hanging on for dear life}
{Cut to Aisle 15 1/2. Craig and Paco blast through then come to a sudden stop}
PACO: Woah... {Dizzily falls out of the cart}
CRAIG: Are you ok...? It's tough to handle my expertise sometimes....
PACO: {Getting up} Yeah. I'm ok. Anyway let's see... Is this the hardware aisle?
CRAIG: I do believe it's the Aisle of Misfit Toys....
PACO: Oh. Well ok then...
{Cut to the Checkout Area. Paco and Craig rush up and stop at the counter}
CLERK: Hello. Thank you for shopping at The Store. Let me bag those for you... Paper or plastic?
CRAIG: I'm on to your schemes, clerk man.... We'll take the environmentally sound containment item...
CLERK: Er...ok then. {He begins bagging the items}
PACO: How much will this cost, sir?
CLERK: Your total comes to... {Looks at the register} $98.20.
CRAIG: {Waving his hand in the clerks face slowly} We don't neeeeed to pay you...
CLERK: {Eyes widen as if in a trance} You don't need to pay meeeee... {Falls over}
CRAIG: We're home freeeeeeee...
{Cut to outside of The Store. Paco and Craig walk out with a cart full of stuff}
PACO: Thanks for your help, Craig. I should get back home now.
CRAIG: It was my pleasure...I feel as though I have done my duty....
{Paco rides off in the cart. The screen fades to black as "The End" appears on screen}
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts
- Craig is a copyrighted character of Bonus Stage.
- The scene where Craig blasts off at high speed actually happens in episode 86 of Bonus Stage (minus the taco, of course).
- "Aisle of Misfit Toys" is a parody of the "Island of Misfit Toys," but I'm sure you already knew that.
- Craig's tactics of dodging paying the clerk is like using the force from Star Wars. (Again, probably obvious)