(even if you aren't vegan)
From Wiki User Wiki
Passport Info
- NAME: Abraxas "Chaos" Chaosus Malifact
- Razor Blade
- Box Cutter
- Osama Bin Laden T-Shirt
- Some terrorist flag
- An ordinary package of Crest Toothpaste
- Nazi Flag
- Cerimonial white robes with hood
- List of world leaders to kill
- "So you want to assassinate a Fruitopian" by David Lodge
- "Fruit Murder for dummies" by The "For Dummies" Book Company
- "Caddyshack: The Novelization" by annonymous
- A Gun
- Big old sword
- Small new sword
- CD Player
- Mix CD
- Stun Gun
- Exploding Underwear
- A car full of Explosives(waiting in Times Square)
- Messenger Bag to carry all of this crap in