(even if you aren't vegan)
Fluffy Kitty Squad
Fluffy Kitty Squad is a fanstuff starring not Wiki Users, but their beloved feline companions. Written by Ryan, Im a bell, and SI.
- Robbery is the Sincerest Form of Felony - The FKS robs a pet supply store to steal cat treats, cat toys, and catnip.
Kittie is NachoMan's cat. Kittie is the complete brains of the group, as he is the smartest of the four cats. Kittie considers himself the leader of the group, although his leadership qualities seem lacking. He sometimes gets annoyed by Lucky's crazy antics, but nonetheless, they remain good friends.
Lucky is Ryan Bluefox's cat. He is probably the dumbest one in the group, which makes him the comic relief of the series. Lucky will sometimes be coherent to the plot, but sometimes he has a tendency to blurt out random things.
Graymond is Im a bell's cat. He is quite the glutton, and usually stays at the back of the pack, waiting for his food. Although, when he's needed, Graymond will fight, and quite possibly kill. Graymond frequently disappears for varying periods of time, but nobody questions this, as he is so fat, he could easily crush them to death. Graymond's main weakness is being scratched right above the tail.
Oreo is Strong Intelligent's cat. He is the weakest, youngest and least experienced of the cats. He will bravely attempt to enter any situation, but will just wimp out. He is probably stupid, but in a different way to Lucky. Whilst lucky is random and unaware, Oreo is perfectly unaware but has no idea how to sort things out. His main idea of pain, is glaring and angry thoughts.