(even if you aren't vegan)
Fake Character Email Funstar Player/spaceship
Funstar goes on a spaceship.
Cast (in order of appearance): Funstar Player, Da Trick, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Nebulon, The Green Helmet(Easter egg)
Places: Funstar Player's Computer Room, Strong Badia, Outer Space
Date: March 22, 2008
FUNSTAR: Funstar Player urges you to plan ahead! Or you'll end up like me, email song-less.
Subject:FuelDear Funstar, can I borrow some space ship fuel?
The Green Helmet
Also,do you own a space ship?
{Reads "also,do" as also no-space do.}
FUNSTAR: Sure, you can borrow some fuel. And, no, I don't own a spaceship, but I am helping The Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil pay for their spaceship. And, in return, I get to ride the spaceship every month.
{Da Trick walks onscreen and says something to Funstar.}
FUNSTAR: Its the time for me to ride the spaceship? Sweet! I'll just send some fuel to The Green Helmet and I'll be on my way.
{Funstar Player types a message to TGH and leaves.}
Re:FuelHere ya go.
Attachment: Fuel 4 U
{Cut to Strong Badia. Strong Bad and The Cheat are in their SBASAF costumes and jump out of the spaceship when they see Funstar and Da Trick come.}
STRONG BAD: Hello, dedicated giver. In honor of your nice donations for our ship, we will give you a chance of a lifetime! I mean, month. A chance of a month. The you'll do it again. Yeah.
FUNSTAR: Uh-huh. Enough stalling. You owe me a ride in your ship.
STRONG BAD: Oh, you will have to wait for that. You see, me and The Cheat were going to...do...something...else.
DA TRICK: {Da Trick noises}
FUNSTAR: Da Trick says he'll gnaw your face off if you don't let us go in your ship now.
STRONG BAD: OK, don't get violent on me. The Strap, we will have to postpone that something else. Our passengers aren't patient.
DA TRICK: {blows a raspberry at them}
THE CHEAT: {angry The Cheat noises}
{The Cheat and Da Trick run towards each other but then their owners pick them up.}
FUNSTAR: {simultaneously} Trick.
{Homestar walks onscreen.}
HOMESTAR: Oh, hey, Strong Bad, are you still doing that space-a-program. I'm sure I can help.
STRONG BAD: Yeah, help us get in serious trouble by crashing a million dollar spaceship.
HOMESTAR: Yeah, something like that.
FUNSTAR: Homestar, no offense, but you really need to go away before-
{The Cheat jumps on Homestar causing them to fall offscreen.}
HOMESTAR: {offscreen} Ow! Help! Oh! Dear! My! Ouch!
{Homestar gets back up, bruised and bleeding.}
HOMESTAR: I'll just go home. And take a bath. {leaves}
STRONG BAD: Good job, Strap, you just might redeem yourself.
THE CHEAT: {grins}
STRONG BAD: OK, now. Let's go!
{Funstar, Da Trick, Strong Bad, and The Cheat go into the spaceship and fly offscreen.}
FUNSTAR: It works! It really works!
{Cut to Outer Space. The spaceship is just leaving earth atmosphere when suddenly Nebulon flies in front of them. Strong Bad yells at him on the loudspeaker}
STRONG BAD: {in loudspeaker}AHH! Get out of here, Nebulon! No one likes your style.
{Nebulon looks annoyed but stays.}
STRONG BAD: {in loudspeaker}OK, then. But don't say I didn't warn you! Well, you can, because I didn't warn you...yet. Anyway, the Strap, shoot 'im.
THE CHEAT: {Cheat noises, then puts a radio in front of the loudspeaker}
STRONG BAD: Ready...go!
{Cut to outside the spaceship. Laser sounds and explosions are heard but not seen and Nebulon leaves, making his noise.}
STRONG BAD: Great! We took down our first alien! Now to continue our journey to the MOOOON!
{Suddenly, the small computer screen next to the pilot turns red and we zoom in to see what it says.}
You sure messed up good.
You out of fuel.
This spaceship is going down.
STRONG BAD: What? I had lots of fuel in this! How could this have happened?
THE CHEAT: {scared The Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: Don't worry, The Cheat, we'll find the culprit and mess him up.
FUNSTAR: Uh, guys.
STRONG BAD: OK, fine, him or her.
FUNSTAR: No, I'm trying to say-
STRONG BAD: Wait, when did you get in here in the first place?
FUNSTAR: Space Captinface, I've been in here the whole time!
DA TRICK: {angry Da Trick noises}
STRONG BAD: Oh, OK, then. Maybe you can break the fall for us. All you have to do is jump out of the spaceship then-
FUNSTAR: No, I'm not killing myself to save your life.
STRONG BAD: What about my and The Cheat's lives.
FUNSTAR: But, yeah, before anyone dies, I have something to say.
{Cut to the slide of Item 3b: "Grilled Cheese", accompanied by its music.}
STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Strap.
THE CHEAT: {Cheat word sounding like "What?"}
{Cut back to the spaceship.}
STRONG BAD: So, Funstar, are you saying that you gave some of our precious fuel to someone called The Green Helmet? Why, I aught to-
THE CHEAT: {makes Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: The Green Helmet is the captain of The Decade Eagle?! The Decade Eagle is like the best spaceship crew ever!
FUNSTAR: Yep, and thanks to him, we're about 5 seconds away from crashing in a fiery explosion.
STRONG BAD: Yeah, but if we survive, I'm so getting his autograph! Totally, man.
{We then cut to Strong Badia. The spaceship falls from above and crashes into the ground. When the smoke clears, all that's seen is a large pit. Funstar, Da Trick, Strong Bad, and The Cheat jump out, charred and smoking.}
STRONG BAD: That...was...awesome! The Decade Eagle has done it again! {falls down unconscious}
FUNSTAR: I am so out of here. And you can forget about the rest of the spaceship money!
DA TRICK: {agreeing Da Trick noises}
FUNSTAR: C'mon, Da Trick, let's go home.
{Funstar Player and Da Trick walk out of Strong Badia. Cut to the computer room. Funstar sits on his chair.}
FUNSTAR: Well, Green H., I gave you that spaceship fuel and it almost cost me my life. Now, I'm going to take a bath. Let's go, Da Trick.
DA TRICK: {shakes his head and makes disagreeing Da Trick noises.}
FUNSTAR: Oh no, please don't tell me your still afraid to take a bath.
DA TRICK: {nods his head}
FUNSTAR: {sighs} Then it looks like we're going to have to make a not-quite email about me trying to get you to take a bath.
{Funstar and Da Trick walk offscreen.}
> Click here to e-mail Funstar Player |
funplay12@jcmail.com |
Easter Eggs
- Click on "Green H." to see a scene with the green helmet.
- {The Green Helmet is in the Decade Eagle. He has on a headset and is packing his things.}
- THE GREEN HELMET: {into headset} OK, Officer Superdude, we leave at Oh One Hundred Hours. Grab your things, 'cause you won't come back after we-
- {Suddenly, Strong Bad runs into the ship with a piece of his broken ship in his hand.}
- STRONG BAD: Hey, The Green Helmet, would you mind signing this piece of spaceship?
- THE GREEN HELMET: No, but I don't have a pen.
- STRONG BAD: {takes out a pen} OK, then will you sign this pen?
Fun Facts
- The Green Helmet is from Fake Character Email The Green Helmet.
- The Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil is from space program.