(even if you aren't vegan)
Fake Character Email Funstar Player/race
Funstar races Homestar.
Cast (in order of appearance): Funstar Player, Coach Z, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom(Easter egg)
Places: Funstar Player's Computer Room, Race Track
Date: May 4, 2008
FUNSTAR: {singing} We will, we will, email! Email!
A RaceDear Funstar,
Can You Beat Homestar In A Race?
FUNSTAR: Well, Mr. Capitalize-every-single-word-you-use-and-don't-put-subject-in-the-subject-bar, I can beat Homestar in a race. What did you think? Just because he has the word "Runner" in his name, he's the fastest ever?
{Funstar types in "run_raceingman.jpg". It puts up a picture of Funstar with an afro and holding a medal.}
FUNSTAR: Back in the day, I was the most terrific athlete in Free Country. Winning every single race they threw at me. Then Homestar came. He was the first challenge I had.
{Funstar types in "run_loser.jpg". It puts up a picture of Homestar with the medal and Funstar covered in mud.}
FUNSTAR: Unfortunately, I failed the race I had with him and he was named the most terrific athlete in all of Free Country, leaving me to go home in shame.
{Funstar gets up and it pans up to show he is looking at his medal, framed above the computer.}
FUNSTAR: But, I swore that one day, I would get my revenge on Homestar and get that medal that is rightfully mine. And I will do that now.
{Funstar Player gets up and walks away.}
{Cut to the race track. Coach Z is there and Funstar walks in.}
COACH Z: Oh, hey, Funster, how are you terday?
FUNSTAR: I'm fine, Coach Z. Hey, have you seen Homestar?
COACH Z: Whoy, yes, I did. He worked by a few minutes ago to troy and sell me some melonade.
FUNSTAR: Melonade? What on earth?
COACH Z: Yorp, he's gots a new jorb now.
FUNSTAR: I'm going to get to the bottom of this. {leaves}
COACH Z: Don't forget to worsh!
{Cut to another part of the race track. Homestar is holding a box of melonade labled "Ice cream".}
HOMESTAR: Melonade! Get some hot, fwesh, melonade here!
{Funstar walks in.}
FUNSTAR: What the heck are you doing?
HOMESTAR: I'm selling stuff!
FUNSTAR: Well, can you stop? I need to tell you something.
HOMESTAR: No can do! Us melonade-sellers must never take their minds off of selling melonade.
FUNSTAR: But you're not a melonade seller!
HOMESTAR: Says you. I've sold exactly -1 glasses of melonade!
HOMESTAR: Yep, I drank one because I was hot. This is not an easy, peasy job, ya know!
FUNSTAR: Uh, yeah. There's more important things than that nasty stuff.
HOMESTAR: Like what?
FUNSTAR: Racing your friends!
HOMESTAR: That's a gweat idea! When you find one, tell me!
FUNSTAR: {sighs} OK, then.
{Funstar runs offscreen and then comes back onscreen in a Pom Pom mask and shirt.}
HOMESTAR: Oh, hi, Pom Pom! Funstar was just here telling me to race a fwend, and you're my best friend ever!
FUNSTAR: Bubble bubble.
HOMESTAR: Why, I'd love to race you!
{Cut to the part of the race track with Coach Z. Funstar and Homestar walk in.}
COACH Z: Why, hey, Funster!
FUNSTAR: Ahem!Bubble bubble.
COACH Z: Oh, I see. Hi, Pam Pam.
HOMESTAR: Hi, Coach Z. Guess what? Me and Pom Pom are going to race today!
COACH Z: Oh, rrrly?
FUNSTAR: Yep, I mean, bubble bubble.
COACH Z: Orkey dorkey!
{Funstar goes to Coach Z and whispers something in his ear.}
COACH Z: Oh! The winner wins Hamstray's torphrey!
HOMESTAR: My what?
COACH Z: Traphy!
FUNSTAR: Ahem he means trophyBubble bubble.
HOMESTAR: Oh! Thanks, Pom Pom! Sure, I'll give up my twophey if you win. Just remember, they don't call me Runner for nothin'!
FUNSTAR: Bubble.
COACH Z: OK, 1, 2, 3! Go!
{Homestar and Funstar run offscreen. Cut to the finish line.}
FUNSTAR: I'm ahead of him! I'm going to win!
{Suddenly, Funstar slips on a puddle. He falls in slow motion.}
FUNSTAR: {low and echoing} Noooo!
{It then speeds back up to show Funstar fall into the mud puddle.}
FUNSTAR: {sinking} Crud.
{Homestar comes onscreen and jumps over Funstar.}
{Homestar runs past the finish line then stops. He turns around to see Funstar with the paint on his shirt melted and his mask slid off.}
HOMESTAR: Oh, hi, Funstar! Hey, did you see Pom Pom? He must still be back there, trying to catch up to me. I'll just go home and clean my twophey. {leaves}
FUNSTAR: {sighs} I didn't even get to 70 lines.
{Cut to the computer room. Funstar walks in covered in mud.}
FUNSTAR: Well, My Call, it turns out I can't beat Homestar in a race. Mostly because of that stupid mud puddle. I should've went against him on a day that it didn't rain.
> Click here to e-mail Funstar Player |
funplay12@jcmail.com |
FUNSTAR: Uh, I'm going to take a bath now. Hey, that reminds me of-nah. {leaves}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "race" to see a scene with the real Pom Pom.
- {Pom Pom walks in the race track. Coach Z is there.}
- COACH Z: Oh, hey, Funster. You look more like Pam Pam than ever!
- POM POM: {questionable bubble noises}
- COACH Z: Oh, you're the rrrl Pam Pam and came to help Homestar sell melonade?
- POM POM: {bubble noises}
- COACH Z: Huh? Oh, nothing! Forget a word I said!
Fun Facts
- The intro is a reference to "We Will Rock You", a song made by Queen.
- Homestar quitting racing to sell stuff may be a reference to disconnected.
- Funstar may be mentioning Da Trick when he remembers something about a bath.