(even if you aren't vegan)
Fake Character Email Funstar Player/narrator
Funstar tries to narrate a movie.
Cast (in order of appearance): Funstar Player, Da Trick, Bubs, Strong Bad, Coach Z, Homestar Runner, The Cheat, Strong Mad, Marzipan, Strong Sad
Places: Funstar Player's Computer Room, Bub's Concession Stand, The Field, Smoky Office, Strong Bad's Basement
Date: Feburary 14, 2008
FUNSTAR: E...mail. E...mail. E...OK, I'll stop now.
subject: narratorDear Funster,
-Sam Man, Fighting Challenges
Have you ever been a narrator for a cheesy movie?
Or in that fact, a movie?
{reads Funster as "Fun stir. What?"}
FUNSTAR: No, I haven't narrated a movie, yet. But that's just because I didn't get my reply to the letter I sent to the movie I want to narrate.
{Suddenly, Da Trick comes onscreen with an envelope in his mouth.}
FUNSTAR: What do you have for me, boy?
{Funstar takes the envelope out of Da Trick's mouth and tears it open. He pulls out a letter.}
FUNSTAR: {reading} Dear Funstar, you have been chosen to narrate the newest Dangeresque movie, DANGERESQUE 3-D: CRIMINAL PROJECTIVE. So, come by 5 minutes or less to the station or we'll give your role to someone else. From, Bubs. {stops reading} Hey, Da Trick, how long did it take you to get the letter here?
DA TRICK: {makes Cheat-like barks}
FUNSTAR: 3 minutes?! It took me 1 minute to take the letter out and read it!
{Funstar and Da Trick look at each other for a moment and run offscreen.}
{Cut to Bub's Concession Stand. Funstar and Da Trick speed in.}
BUBS: Right on time!
FUNSTAR: {breathing heavily} Bubs...when...do we start...the movie?
BUBS: Right now!
{A flash is seen and it cuts to the field, where Strong Bad as Dangeresque is running.}
FUNSTAR: {offscreen} In a world where crime sticks at the tip of your nose. {silently} What? Gross! {normal} There is only 1 hero brave enough to take it off...
{The words "DANGERESQUE 3-D: CRIMINAL PROJECTIVE" comes onscreen in 3-D effect. Funstar sings the Dangeresque theme until a ringing is heard and Strong Bad stops running.}
STRONG BAD: I wonder who that could be.
{Strong Bad puts a candy phone to his "ear" and it cuts to Coach Z as Renaldo with a game boy to his "ear".}
COACH Z: Dangeresque, there's trouble!
STRONG BAD: Well, what is it?
COACH Z: Its, uh, {to camera} line?
BUBS: {quietly, offscreen} Cutesy Buttons has been kidna-
COACH Z: Cutesy Buttons has been kidnapped! {to camera} Great, huh?
{Cut to Funstar, who is asleep. He jumps up as Bubs yells at him.}
FUNSTAR: Yaaahh! Oh, uh. {looks at scene} Dun dun duuuhnn.
{Cut to the office. Strong Bad walks in.}
STRONG BAD: You said you wanted me, Renaldo?
COACH Z: Yes. Here's the plan. We-
{Homestar Runner comes onscreen in his Dangeresque Too glasses.}
HOMESTAR: You said you wanted me, Renaldo?
BUBS: {offscreen} Homestar, get off the stage.
HOMESTAR: But you said I could be in this Dangeresque movie.
BUBS: No, I said you couldn't be in this Dangeresqe movie. You have worse acting than my mother.
HOMESTAR: Oh. {stays still}
BUBS: So, aren't you going to leave?
HOMESTAR: Oh. {leaves}
COACH Z: {to Strong Bad} OK, the plan is we sneak up on the kidnapper and-
{Cut to Strong Bad's Basement. The Cheat is holding up a piece of cardboard with the word "lair" on it.}
FUNSTAR: {offscreen} Meanwhile, at the lair.
{Strong Mad as the villain walks onscreen with a tied up Marzipan as Cutesy Buttons in a hand.}
MARZIPAN: And what will you do if I refuse to give you my secret recipe?
{Strong Mad takes Marzipan's guitar, Carol, from offscreen. Carol has on a sticky note with a dog's face drawn on it.}
MARZIPAN: No! Not her!
MARZIPAN: OK, I'll tell you. The secret recipe is-
{Strong Bad runs in and climbs on the couch.}
STRONG BAD: He's right. So, it looks like I'm going to have to...
{Funstar sings the theme as Strong Bad crouches down, ready to jump.}
{Strong Bad jumps off the couch and it zooms out to show Strong Sad instead of Strong Mad.}
STRONG SAD: How do I always end up he-
{Strong Bad lands on Strong Sad, causing him to fall and a crash is heard.}
STRONG SAD: {offscreen} Ow!
{Strong Bad quickly gets up and brushes himself off.}
STRONG BAD: I have defeated you! Marzipan's secret is secret again.
{Strong Bad unties Marzipan and runs offscreen.}
MARZIPAN: Goodbye, stranger! Jeez, those glasses look weird.
{Cut to outside. Strong Bad is still running, and as he does, Funstar ends the movie with more singing.}
FUNSTAR: {offscreen, at the tune of the Dangeresque theme} The end. This is the end. The end. This is the end.
BUBS: And that's a wrap!
STRONG BAD: Finally! I'll be in my trailer.
BUBS: Uh, you don't have a trailer.
STRONG BAD: No trailer? What kind of film business is this?
BUBS: A low-budget to no-budget film business.
STRONG BAD: Fine. I'm just leaving.
BUBS: OK, Funstar, you can go home now.
FUNSTAR: See ya.
{Cut to the computer room.}
FUNSTAR: So, Samman, I narrated a cheesy movie and wasted 5 minutes of my life just for you. I hope your happy, 'cause I'm not.
> Click here to e-mail Funstar Player |
funplay12@jcmail.com |
Easter Eggs
- Click on "Funster" when Funstar says it to see an advertisement.
Fun Stir
Proves that stirring can
be fun!
- Click on "Fighting Challenges" to see a 20X6 scene.
- STINKOMAN: {walking around} 1-Up, 1-Up?! Where is that kid?
- 1-UP: {wearing Dangeresque Too's glasses} Hey, Stinkoman! Look at these cool glasses I found in that time capsule!
- {Stinkoman starts laughing, little mushroom-like things appearing over his head.}
- STINKOMAN: HA HA HA HA! Those glasses look so stupid on you! HA HA HA HA!
Fun Facts
- The name of the movie is taken from stunt double.
- Strong Bad and Coach Z puts phone to their ears even though they aren't seen with any.
- Coach Z asking the camera for a line is a reference to First Time Here?.
- The email is a reference to the Dangeresque series and narrator.
- The time capsule 1-Up is referring to is the ine from time capsule.