(even if you aren't vegan)
Fake Character Email Funstar Player/band
Funstar tells about all the bands he tried to be in.
Cast (in order of appearance): Funstar Player, Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat
Places: Funstar Player's Computer Room, High School, Marzipan’s House
Date: April 16, 2008
FUNSTAR: My email count is more than one. I make email checking fun!
Funstar,Are you a member of a band? If so, what is it called? I am in a country band.
FUNSTAR: Zoo 977? Where are all the other 976 Zoos? Oh well, no, I'm not in any bands. I once tried to be in bands, but they didn't go very well. I first wanted to be in a band in high school.
{Cut to The Homestar Runner Mysfit-steries school. Teenage Funstar walks onscreen.}
FUNSTAR: Oh, man. I'm totally going to join this band. Seriously.
{Homestar walks up. He looks at Funstar for a moment and then leads him to a room.}
HOMESTAR: So, here is the place where we practice. I think you're good enough to be in our Mysfit-steries band. But, first, I'd like to see what you can do.
FUNSTAR: Well, I play a mean sax.
HOMESTAR: Great, great. But you do know that that age is over, right?
FUNSTAR: Well, OK, then. Give me something and I'll play it.
HOMESTAR: OK, then! How about a bass guitar! My electric guitar can't do all the work!
{Cut to the band room. The Misfit-steries band are playing "Havin' Fun With My Friends" when suddenly, a sound of strings breaking is heard.}
STRONG BAD: What the heck was that?
HOMESTAR: I don't know, but I don't think people will want to hear that when we play live.
MARZIPAN: I heard it come from where Funstar is at.
{Everyone looks at Funstar. He is holding the base with all of the strings broken.}
HOMESTAR: You said you knew how to play.
FUNSTAR: Uh, I lied.
{Everyone except Funstar hits their heads and start walking toward him.}
FUNSTAR: {pauses} Forgive and forget?
{Cut to outside the door. Funstar flies out.}
FUNSTAR: I guess that's a no.
{The base flies out of the door, too, and lands on Funstar.}
FUNSTAR: {from under the base} Ow, my self.
{Cut back to the computer room.}
FUNSTAR: So, after that, I didn't think of being in a band for a while. But then, one day, when I was walking down the street, my want came back.
{Cut to a street. Funstar is walking when he runs into a pole and it fades to black. A few seconds later, it opens to a poster which starts out blurry but then becomes clear, saying "Cool Tapes Band is in need for a keyboardist! Place: Marzipan's House. Join now!". Pans out to reveal Funstar.}
FUNSTAR: Yes, Mr. Paper. Wait. A band? It's all coming back to me. Oh! I gotta go to the house before someone else does! {runs off}
{Cut to Marzipan's House. Funstar runs in. The Cool Tapes band are in the room.}
FUNSTAR: I want to be in the band!
MARZIPAN: That's great! Can you play the keyboard?
{Suddenly, a red miniature Strong Bad appears on Funstar's left shoulder.}
STRONG BAD: Well, what are you waiting for? Tell Marzipan that you can play keyboard! You'll finally be in a band!
{Then, a white miniature Homestar appears on Funstar's right shoulder.}
HOMESTAR: No! It's not the right thing to do to lie to Marzipan like that! Don't you know what happened last time?
STRONG BAD: Oh, we were kids then. All you have to do is play your best and you can trick those idiots!
HOMESTAR: Yeah! I mean, no! There are more important things in life than being in a band.
STRONG BAD: Like what?
HOMESTAR: Uh, melonade?
STRONG BAD: OK. If you want to listen to that stupid weirdo, it's fine with me. {disappears in a poof}
HOMESTAR: Ooh! Let me try! Eee! {disappears in a poof} Ding!
FUNSTAR: Uh, OK. References aside, I guess I can play keyboard.
MARZIPAN: Great! We've got a lot of practicing ahead of us before our concert next week.
FUNSTAR: Next...week?
MARZIPAN: Yep. Let's start now!
FUNSTAR: Uh, you see, I {runs away}
THE CHEAT: {cheat-like sigh}
{Funstar runs back in.}
FUNSTAR: OK, I'm ready.
MARZIPAN: That's great! Let's go!
{They all leave to the "band room", where the "Cool Tapes" graffiti still on the wall.}
MARZIPAN: A-one and a-two and a-three.
{They all start playing but Funstar, behind everyone is not playing the keyboard. When they all finish, they all turn to Funstar.}
MARZIPAN: Wow, that was great! You're real talented at that.
FUNSTAR: {nervous} Thanks. Heh heh.
{The Cheat makes angry noises then hits Funstar's leg, causing a tape recorder to fall out of his shirt pocket.}
FUNSTAR: Crud! I should've hid that better.
FUNSTAR: Quiet, you.
MARZIPAN: I'm very disappointed in you. Get out of my sight. {turns her head}
FUNSTAR: Well, I'm already out of your sight since you turned your head, but I'll just leave because Strong Mad is giving me the evil eye. {leaves}
{Cut back to the computer room.}
FUNSTAR: So, that's why I'm not in any bands. Good luck with yours, though. Maybe I can join it. There's a wide variety of instruments in those bands. I must be good at one of them.
{Homestar runs in angrily.}
HOMESTAR: You didn't learn a thing I told you, didn't you?
FUNSTAR: What did you tell me?
HOMESTAR: Drink melonade!
FUNSTAR: Yeah, get out of my house. In fact, how did you get in it in the first place?
HOMESTAR: I'm experienced!
FUNSTAR: That's great. Now leave.
HOMESTAR: Seriously, just ask Strong B-{Funstar kicks him offscreen} Dang, you're strong.
{Funstar shakes his head.}
> Click here to e-mail Funstar Player |
funplay12@jcmail.com |
Eater Eggs
- Click on Zoo977 when Funstar says it to see a newspaper clipout.
- {The headline says "Hardhat Runner builds 977th zoo!" and under it the words "'I'd be so proud if it were a big accomplishment' says Hardhat" is seen.}
- Click on "luck" at the end to see Homestar again.
- {Homestar is in the scene from Main Page 6. A loud, low voice is heard.}
- VOICE: Homestar, you are the worst angel ever! You didn't come close to stopping Funstar from lying!
- HOMESTAR: {innocently} I tried my best. {normal} So, what's my award?
- {Cut to the scene from Main Page 8.}
- HOMESTAR: Oh, that's my reward.
Fun Facts
- The Homestar Runner Mysfit-steries is from high school.
- Cool Tapes is from Cool Things
- The miniture bad guy and good guy on a person's shoulders is a reference to many shows and movies, only, they're usually devil-like and angel-like.
- Homestar saying "Ding" is from Pumpkin Carve-nival.
- Hardhat Runner is Zoo977's character version.
- The scenes from the second easter egg are from Main Page 6 and Main Page 8