(even if you aren't vegan)
Ert Plus Emails/3
Party at Badstar's place!
Cast: Ert Plus, Mac, Caity, Badstar
Places: Ert's Room, Kitchen, Badstar's House
Date: February 15, 2009
{Cut to the Ertster. Ert opens his email folder}
ERT: Hey guys! Les' go check some email!
{Ert brings up the email and reads it aloud}
Holy crapcakes, Ert!? Is this really you?
Its me, Badstar! Y'know, the guy who used to hang out with Mac all the time?
Anyway, I was wondering if you guys would like to come over! My house... well... lets just say it isn't that hard to miss...
- Can't wait to see you, Mac, and Caity again, Badstar.
ERT: Holy snap! Badstar! {Typing} Howdy, Badstar! Mac'll be glad to see you! We'll head over there right away!
{Cut to the Kitchen. Caity is sitting at the table and Mac walks in}
MAC: Howdy sister of mine! Just for kicks, I'm-a ask you a question. What would you do if I broke your new toaster?
CAITY: Well... I'd probably jump on you, knock you to the ground, sit on your back, and start bashing your head until your tiny brain begins to leak out of your ears.
MAC: {Looking extremely terrified} Oh... That's nice.
CAITY: Yeah. So why the sudden toaster question?
MAC: No reason...
{Ert runs in}
ERT: Hey Mac! Guess what I just saw!
MAC: I didn't steal Caity's toaster, attach a grappling device to it, and try to climb to the roof of Waffle Town with it while making rye bread toast at the same time causing it to light on fire in a blazing inferno that started a fire in Waffle Town's kitchen!
ERT: Oooookaaay... Not gonna ask...
CAITY: You did WHAT?!
ERT: Save the crap out of beatings for later! We're partying at Badstar's house!!
MAC: Badstar!! I almost forgot about him! Me and him had so many amazing adventures... Like that time we used Caity's egg beater to fly to Germany to steal liverwurst and use Ert's particle enhancy thing to turn it into a great white whale and fly to the moon on its back while singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long.
CAITY: Remind me to kill you later.
MAC: Will do!
ERT: Who's Will?
MAC: That bit never gets old.
ERT: Not for us at least.
{They start laughing}
CAITY: Guys? What about this whole Badstar thing?
ERT: Oh, right! Let's make like a leave and tree places!
CAITY: What?
MAC: I read ya loud and clear like a crystal book!
CAITY: Just shut up and let's go.
ERT: {Pulls out a giant letter K} K!!!
{Cut to outside Badstar's house. It's a giant Badstar head with a door for a mouth and eyes for windows. Ert Mac and Caity walk up to it}
MAC: Wow. Sweet digs.
ERT: Yeah. The guy sure knows how to decorate.
{The trio walk up to the door and ring the door bell. It starts playing "What is Love" and Mac and Ert start dancing}
MAC: This is like that one time when me and Badstar danced the night away in Bollywood while drinking orange soda and eating a ginormous plate of cheesecake while being chased by the Turquoise Ninjas.
{The door bursts open and Badstar jumps into Mac's...er... arms? (Or where they should be)}
BADSTAR: MAC!!!! I knew I heard your random rambling about our adventures in Mongolia when we chased down Silent Bob for his stash of Cheese Doodles.
MAC: No I was talking about Bollywood. Remember?
BADSTAR: Oh yeah! Good times, good times.
ERT: So, Badstar. How've you been?
BADSTAR: Pretty sweet. I just got my Conjuration level up to 98 in Oblivion!
ERT: Sweet deals! Wish I had an Xbox 360...
MAC: We should get one! Canwegetonecanwegetonecanwegetone???!?
CAITY: OKAY! Sheesh...
MAC: Yay! I'm-a go live and play games with Badstar allllllllllllll day.
BADSTAR: Woot! Now let's go play CAD 5!
{Ert and Mac cheer and run inside the house. Caity walks in after them. Cut back to the Ertster}
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts
- Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long was part of the lyrics to a Kid Rock song.
- "Who's Will" and the giant letter "K" are from old Ert Emails on the Fanstuff Wiki.
- The Turquoise Ninjas are a fictional evil group of ninjas that steal Physics homework that my friend Andrew made up as an excuse for not having a Physics lab report. It was hilarious.
- Silent Bob is a character from the movie and then animated series "Clerks".
- I love Oblivion and I do wish I had a 360. I have it for the PS3, though, so I is good.