(even if you aren't vegan)
Dot's Mailbox/zorax
Zorax and Dot begin destroying wiki city.
CAST: Dot, Zorax, Zoo977, Marissa, Maloa
SETTING: Dot's front yard, Zorax's room, Wiki city
{cuts to dot's front yard. dot walks outside, and takes out her letter. she puts in a quarter}
DOT: A quarter for the message! {opens the letter}
Dear, Dot.An evil scientist has unleashed 8 robots out on the wiki city! You must destroy the robots and defeat the evil doctor!
From, a helpful annonymous person.
DOT: Evil scientist? Eight robots? Wiki city? How have you not solved this already? Zorax made eight evil project L's! {begins crumpling pu the letter} I'll return to this letter in a bit. {walks away}
{cuts to zorax's room. zorax has a giant screen with views of robots destroying the city. he is pushing portions with a yardstick, causing the robot on that smaller screen to destroy the part touched. Dot bursts in}
DOT: Holy crap, it is you.
ZORAX: Whom is me?
DOT: Youm is whom!
ZORAX: Whom who?
DOT: Youm is destorying the city!
ZORAX: I know.
DOT: Well, befdore I start the kicking, why did you follow the wrong instructions?
ZORAX: Peace is not going to come from everyone liking the same music!
DOT: Well, you have to admit, the would would be more peaceful.
ZORAX: True. But we want world peace, not peace in the types of music!
DOT: Ever notice how I alwways keep this black box {takes a black box out of her hairband} in my hairband at all times?
ZORAX: Um... nope!
DOT: Its a recorder. And, if I may quote you... {presses a button on the recorder}
ZORAX ON THE RECORDER: I know for a fact that in the future, there won't be world peace. Yvonne, Wendy, and I were nearly killed!
DOT: See?
ZORAX: Look, you can destroy as many buliding as you want if you don't reveal I've been the one destroying the city.
DOT: Hm...
{cuts to a view of a town. zorax is running around frantically, being chases by a robot. that fades back}
DOT: I'll do it. But only if you get me some candy from the candy store.
ZORAX: That's in the city!
DOT: I promise I won't shoot you!
ZORAX: Deal. {walks out}
{the three walk in}
DOT: ho wants to destory the city with robots!
MALOA: I call robots 3 and 5!
ZOO977: 7 and 4!
MARISSA: 8 and 6!
DOT: Then I get 1 and 2. Everyone, just use a yardstick to touch a building. Anything you touch will be destroed.
ZOO977: Woohoo!
{the four begin touching the screens with yardsticks.}
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write to Dot |
o |
Easter Eggs
Wait seven seconds at the end.
DOT: Quick! Maloa! Shoot zorax while he's vulnerable!
Fun Facts
- Youm is Whom is a charlie brown reference.
- The project L part refers to the last email.
- Zoo finds the numbers 74 and 47 lucky.
- Dot never sends a letter in return.