(even if you aren't vegan)
Dot's Mailbox/party
Meg asks dot if she want's to have a sleep over.
CAST: Zoo977, Dot, creepy meg, Marissa
SETTING: Dot's front yard, a grocery store, Dot's room, Marissa's room, Meg's front yard
{cuts to the front yard of dot's house. Dot and zoo are there with a long box in front of them}
DOT: {picks up a booklet off the box} Tools needed: Hammer. Gorilla glue.
ZOO977: {holds up the two} Here you go!
DOT: Thanks! {takes the two} Now, won't I need something besides a hammer and glue for the hinges?
ZOO977: Lets see. {opesn the box. he takes out the actual box and its post} I'm surprised the makers of this even gave an instruction manuel.
DOT: Kind of weird. {puts the post in the ground}
ZOO977: HIt it gently, but not too hard.
DOT: Hammer time! {hits the post hard repeatedly. it goes into the ground} There we go!
ZOO977: Just call me if it breaks!
DOT: Will do! {splatters glue on the post, and puts on the box. she looks at the ground next to the post} Weird. I didn't see {picks up a letter} this before! {opens it}
Dear Dot, have you ever wanted to get away from your friends? Lets have a slumber party! From, Meg
DOT: Meg! How are you! Wait, is this the meg with weirdly lengthened arms, or the creepy meg at the grocery store?
{cuts to the pet care isle. dot is there, looking at cheat treats. and old lady is looking at cat food}
DOT: Excuse me, miss, which cheat treats would you suggest?
{the woman hands dot a bag of cat food}
DOT: I said cheat treats.
{the old lady pushes her cart at dot. it misses her}
DOT: Okay... that cart does not have cheat treats in it.
OLD WOMAN: {slowly} Oh! You scared me!
DOT: {grabs a bag filled with cheese} I'll be leaving now. {walks out}
OLD WOMAN: {after a few seconds} I would suggest the cheese.
{cuts back to the front yard}
DOT: Nah, this hand writings too neat for her. Trust me, I saw her grocery list once. Anyways, I guess I will have to reject the offer. Nothing bad's really going on.
{zorax runs in. he has a box with the lable project l on it. dot turns her head, see's it, and turns it back}
DOT: I'll be right there. Also, I hope you have a gas mask! Zorax is making a prototype of zoo's invention.
{cuts to dots room. dot is whistling the spongebob theme song while putting some pajamas and toiletries on a rolled out sleeping bag. zoo enters}
ZOO977: Hey, do! Watcha doing?
DOT: Getting ready for a sleepover.
ZOO977: With meg?
DOT: Yep! How did you know?
ZOO977: Marissa got the same invitation.
DOT: Um... wouldn't I have seen it?
ZOO977: Her window was broken, and the letter was on her desk.
{dots mouth crinkles. cuts to marissa's room. Marissa is putting in a new window}
MARISSA: Hey, dot.
DOT: Geez, how big was the whole?
MARISSA: Obliterated would be an understatment.
DOT: Where's the old window?
MARISSA: Right there. {points at he feet. there is a tiny piece of glass next to it}
DOT: Holy sour skittles!
MARISSA: {makes a scoffing noise} I hate sour candy!
DOT: Why do you think I said that?
MARISSA: Well, don't!
DOT: I can say it all I want! Sour candy sour candy sour candy sour candy sour cand-
MAIRSSA: Thats it! {runs up at dot, screaming. cuts to the front yard of megs house.}
DOT: Here's ths house! {both marissa and dot walk in. dot come sout after a second} Wait. {puts the letter in megs mailbox, runs back inside.}
Click here to |
write to Dot |
o |
Easter Eggs
Click on the mailbox when dot mentiosn the list to see it. it is a mishmash of scribbles.
Fun Facts
- Meg's arms do have very different lengths.
- Sour skittles are a kind of candy.