(even if you aren't vegan)
Con email.exe/84
Conchris gets another email about his website, just plain stuff ensues.
Cast in order of appearance:
Page Title: ???
CONCHRIS: Almost there, only 6 more to go...
Dear Conchris, YOU HAS NOT PAID FOR WEBSITE! Instead of making you pay for it, We're coming to burn your house down. Then we'll delete your website. THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO HOST IT ON FREEWEBS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Phantom Ganon, Chief Producer Of NearlyFreeWebsites.
CONCHRIS: Burn my house down? I'd rather take a month's vacation in Scalding Lake rather than do that.
{Cut to Peasantry, Sir Conis walks away from his cottage, Trogdor comes on screen and burninates it, cut to a time card which says 1 month later, cut to the burninated cottage}
CONIS: {off-screen} Where's my cottage? {comes on-screen} What the? What happened to my cottage? I know one dragon-man who could've done it... TRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
{Cut back to the talk page}
CONCHRIS: So you see, it is unpossible [sic] to burn down my house HERE. But, you can burn down...my house there... OH MY GOSH!
{Cut to Conchris' House, a Ninja jumps on-screen and burns the house, Homestar comes flying out, with his buzzer on fire}
HOMESTAR: Hmm... I think my buzzer's on fire... MY BUZZER'S ON FIRE! AHHHHH! {runs off-screen}
{Cut back to the talk page}
CONCHRIS: Great... Now what do I do?
{Cut to Strong Bad's room}
STRONG BAD: Oh, I know what to do for... DELETED!!!
{A missing plugin logo that is the same like Firefox's Missing Plugin appears on the Lappy's screen with an accompanying explosion}
MAN'S VOICE: {overvoice, quick voice} Conchris doesn't know about the Lappy's deletion, so that will be a suitable replacement. This is not a bad excuse to increase lineage, please don't laugh at my bald spot.
{Cut back to the talk page}
CONCHRIS: I hate cutaways. Well, let's see if they have baleeted it yet.
{Conchris types in www.Conchris.com, it comes up as a 404, everything becomes TGS-ish}
{Cut to a IT'S OVER screen}
{Pan out from the IT'S OVER paper, Conchris is there}
CONCHRIS: Sheesh, that was an awful email ending.
OVERVOICE: Well, you need to host the thing on Freewebs.
CONCHRIS: I know. {walks off mumbling}
{The paper comes down, with the words "Click here to email Conchris, IT'S OVER!"}
Fun Facts
Author's Comment
21/2'D!/5 - I hate emails where the plot doesn't extend, I also gave this a low rating because it seems too stretched, I could do better.