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Say bye bye to the future! For now...

Cast: Ert Plus, Dan, Pete, Alfonzo, Dan (Slagathor)

Places: Dan's Apartment, Waffle Town

Date: January 17,2009


{Fade to Dan's Apartment. Where the refridgerator used to be is a strange looking machine. Ert is kneeling next to the machine working on the finishing touches}

ERT: {Connecting wires} Okay... Just gotta calibrate the engine. And... {The machine starts up} Sweet! It's finished. {Gets up}

{Dan enters from the front door and walks into the kitchen with groceries}

DAN: What's the diagnosis, Ert?

ERT: It's finished. Now we just gotta go get your future counterpart back here and he can go home.

DAN: You mean Slagathor?

ERT: Er... Sure, why not?

DAN: I'm on it. {Dan takes out his cell and calls Alfonzo}

{Cut to Waffle Town. Alfonzo and Pete are sitting at a table eating waffles and talking}

PETE: And that's why Hot Rod is the greatest movie ever.

ALFONZO: Sounds pretty zany... {Alfonzo's phone rings. The ringtone is "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. Peter slowly looks up from his plate to Alfonzo}

PETE: Seriously?

ALFONZO: You. Tell. No one. {Alfonzo answers his phone as Pete continues eating waffles} Hello?...It is? Great!........Yeah, I'll send him over.....Ok, see ya. {Hangs up}

PETE: What happened? You won concert tickets? {Laughs}

ALFONZO: No! Ert finished the time machine thing.

PETE: Oh. Coolness.

ALFONZO: Yeah. We gotta go tell Slagathor.

PETE: Ok. Where's he at?

ALFONZO: Dunno. I'll contact him. {Pulls out a futuristic communicator} He gave me this thing to keep in contact with him.

PETE: Nice. Well, I'm-a go get me some more waffles. Want anything?

ALFONZO: Nah, I'm good.

{Pete walks away. The scene cuts back to Dan's Apartment}

DAN: Alright. Well, they're gonna go get Slagathor. I dunno.

ERT: Cool.

{They both stand there staring at each other awkwardly for a few seconds}

DAN: So... You invent things?

ERT: Yep. Hence the large time machine thingy.

DAN: True.

{They stand there awkwardly for another few seconds}

ERT: Yeah...

DAN: Well, this is cool and all, but I'm gonna head out. See ya.

{Dan walks over toward the front door. As he does the wall on the east side of the room opens up and Slagathor walks out. Dan screams in terror}

SLAGATHOR: Geez... Chill out, man.

DAN: How did you do that?!

SLAGATHOR: I built a storage bunker. The jewel should be safe in there.

{Slagathor turns to the opening in the wall and takes out a futuristic looking device; the same as Alfonzo used to contact Slagathor. He types something in on it and the wall closes}

DAN: Woah. What is going on, man?

SLAGATHOR: Don't worry about it. Anyway, Alfonzo told me the machine is complete?

ERT: Yeah. I just finished it.

SLAGATHOR: Excellent. {Walks over to the kitchen}

DAN: So... you're leaving now?

SLAGATHOR: Yeah. My work here is done. The jewel is safe so now the future should be a much brighter place. When I return, everything should have changed. Even me.

DAN: So wait... Are you gonna forget everything that happened here?

SLAGATHOR: I can't be sure. But you won't forget, so I'll probably remember.

DAN: Time travel is confusing. Well... I guess I'll see you in the future?

SLAGATHOR: You'll be me in the future.

DAN: Stop. My brain seriously feels like it might explode.

SLAGATHOR: Sorry. {Walks over to the machine and opens a panel on it}

ERT: What are you doing?

SLAGATHOR: Gotta set my destination in here.

{A keypad comes out of the panel on the machine. Slagathor types something in and the panel closes. The machine opens up and he steps in, disappearing in a flash. The machine closes back up}

DAN: Did it work?

ERT: I think so.

DAN: I miss me. I was totally beast.

ERT: Yeah you were alright. But I bet my future self kicks more ass than yours.

DAN: Oh please. Did you see the scars on me? I was fighting zombies like it was nothing.

ERT: Whatever.

DAN: Wait. I just thought of something...

ERT: What?

DAN: He owes me a new fridge!!

ERT: Well actually I built a refridgerator into the machine as well. {Walks over to the machine and presses a button on it. The machine opens up to reveal an empty fridge}

DAN: {Picks up the bag of groceries on the counter and walks toward the machine} I have a feeling we are gonna be best friends, Ert.

{Fade to black. "The End" appears on the screen}

Easter Eggs

Click on "The"

{Cut to Dan's Apartment. Alfonzo is dancing on the couch blasting Spice Girls music. After about 5 seconds, it goes back to the end of the toon}

Fun Facts

  • Hot Rob IS the greatest movie of all time. And don't you forget it.