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TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original Shadow Scythe

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TheDenzel's Interview with Shadow Scythe of Strongbadia?!

THEDENZEL: Hi, TheDenzel here with TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today's interview is with Shadow Scythe of Strongbadia?!. Welcome, Shadow Scythe!

SHADOW SCYTHE: The tables are turned, Denzel, for today I shall be interviewing YOOOU! {pause} Or... not. J-just continue with whatever interview-y type questions you have in your briefcase of fun.

THEDENZEL: I have a briefcase? {looks under his desk} Cool! I always wanted one of those! Anyway, let's start with your name. It may just be the longest one on the wiki. How'd you come up with it?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Well, Shadow Scythe plopped up a long time ago. I simply added "of Strongbadia" at the end to make it Homestar-related. And the exclamatory question markums were just a touch of insanity, I suppose. I'm pretty sure this wiki wouldn't be half of what it is now if the all of the users were completely sane.

THEDENZEL: That's true. Let's talk about your interactive game, Homestar Runner's Trading Card Game. What do you think has contributed to it's success.

SHADOW SCYTHE: Well, it's pretty different from all of the highly generic other interactive games out there. Useless chatting and boring plot are not a problem. Oh, and Joshua's mindless slaving away at it for me. That helped. Only, nowadays, I don't seem to be working on it much. I'm barely keeping game 9 alive. Oddly enough, I have other things to work on.

THEDENZEL: One of those things is Other Character Email Greggo. How's that been going recently?

SHADOW SCYTHE: I really need to get more of those done. Problem is, I think I might be trying to build up a plot a little too early. Well, can't change the past.

THEDENZEL: I don't think it's ever too early to build a plot. How'd you come up with Austin the Greggo? Did you just pick a random name?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Pretty much. I thought Greg the Greggo would be too obvious, you know? So why not Austin?!

THEDENZEL: What do you like to do outside the wiki?

SHADOW SCYTHE: I thought you'd never ask! Take a look around my website. You see, it's my dad bought it for me and I've slowly been adding stuff since the sixth grade. Go ahead and read the overview, play some of the MiniGameMania games... pretty much all of it was made by me, with the exception of some voices and music in Where's My Scythe, and the other people participating in Elemania Quest.

THEDENZEL: Wait. Your dad bought you a website?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Yeah. My dad set me up real great with FutureQuest-brand hosting. He paid/pays for everything.

THEDENZEL: Wow! I wish my parents would buy me a website! Anyway, anything we can expect from the site in the future?

SHADOW SCYTHE: All I can say is that it's a single game that will explain the only about monthly updates the website is experiencing, and perhaps part of why I've been so terrible at managing my Fanstuff projects, cover up a whole era of Elemania, and later on let a whole new astounding type of Flashworks available to everybody. Me and Supra have been programming the demo for more than a year now. I'm sure if you snooped around the website more you could find out more about it, but I'd rather have it not be known by any old parson who decided to read this conversation.

THEDENZEL: Right. Moving on, what else do you like to do outside the wiki?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Lessee. Uh... eating... sleeping... and, uh, wow. I never realized how much of my life is spent on a compy. Pretty much the only things I do besides browse the fanstuff and its forum, working on minigamemaniacal projects, and slinking around third party websites is IMing with people who have gone completely insane. Like, Spaceshippy, Josh-o, Supra dupra, and plenty other wiki users and some other people you've never heard of before.

THEDENZEL: Are you on summer break right now?


THEDENZEL: Will you be going on any trips or vacations?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Not any time soon, as far as I know.

THEDENZEL: If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would it be?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Actually, I don't really care much about vacations and the like. I'd rather be at mah compy, typing up a storm. Of doom!

THEDENZEL: So, you don't do anything but go on the computer?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Sometimes I wish that.

THEDENZEL: What do you mean? You wish that you were always on the computer?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Well, yeah. But then I remember that I forgot to drill a chainsaw into my brain. As you can see, there is one in my head at this very moment. {indicates to perfectly unchainsaw'd head}

THEDENZEL: How do you drill a chainsaw into your brain?

H44WP: {from the audience} Aww, how sweet.

THEDENZEL: Grr. This isn't your interview! Anyway, how do you drill a chainsaw into your brain?


{Shaodw Scythe pulls a chainsaw out of nowhere and detatches the handle, throwing it somewhere offscreen. Then he gets a drill out of nowhere, detatching and throwing away the drill part. Finally, he puts the chainsaw blade and the drill together, and turns it on. The chainsaw works like normal, except spinning around as well.}

SHADOW SCYTHE: Bottoms up!

{Shadow Scythe drills the chainsaw into his brain.}

SHADOW SCYTHE: Ah. The world makes so much more sense now.

THEDENZEL: Ew! Despite me total disgust, it's almost time to leave. Any closing comments you'd like to give?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Well, I stole your key, locked us in this office, and used the key as part of the chainsaw blade.

THEDENZEL: Wait! Are we in an office? I think this show's been interperated as a talk show on a stage, and in an office. But, according to Blubry Muffin there's a corner. Oh well. Can I have my key back?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Oh. Okay. {removes chainsaw drill} Ddlblllbleaaghhblblhbblhblhhguhh. Eeurk... Here you are. {plucks a bloody, brain-slaughtered key off of the chainsaw} I hope it still works. And, I also hope this interview is still Fanstuff appropriate.

THEDENZEL: Well. No turning back now. Thanks for being here today, Shadow Scythe! {shakes his hand} You've been a... gross interview. {to audience} This has been TheDenzel's Interview Show! Goodnight.
