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Next Gen(der)/1

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{fade from black to Bell working on something. It has a big, red button on it}

IM A BELL: Hey, Tracy!

{Tracy runs onscreen}

TRACY: Yeah?

IM A BELL: Look at this thing.

TRACY: ...What is it?

IM A BELL: I don't know.

TRACY: Hmm... {presses the button on the machine}

{sparks start flying off of the machine. It starts shaking}

TRACY: Whoa!

{the machine explodes, and the whole screen turns white. Cue opening theme. After the opening, cut back to the room. There is a burn mark on the table. A female Bell stands up, rubbing her head}


{a female Tracy stands up beside the female Bell}

FEMALE TRACY: Why did you think that was a good idea? All it did was explode!

{a male Sarah runs onscreen through a doorway}

MALE SARAH: What was that? I heard an explosion.

FEMALE BELL: Nothing, Sal. Me and Tracy accidentally blew up this thing I made.

SAL:{facepalms} Bella, could you please set off explosives outside?

BELLA:{sighs} Okay...

{A doorbell rings}

{Counting Pink Cars crashes through the wall with Styxette, Al, Joan of Arc, and Eve}

AL: {steps out of the car.} And that's why women shouldn't Drive.

{everyone else steps out.}

BELLA:{angry} Hey! Women are great drivers!

JOAN: {has a French Accent} Yeah! Do you want me to slice your head off? {holds up a Bloody Sword.}

AL: At least I wasn't Burned at The Steak!

JOAN: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

DOOR: Ding dong! Ding ding ding ding!


{Gilligan is asleep in his bed. The alarm clock next to "him" goes off loudly. "His" hand comes out of the covers and knocks the clock off the nightstand, breaking it}

GILLIGAN: {Gilligan's POV} {Grumbles} Ugh... what time is it? I think I'll look at the clo- {Camera goes down to clock, which is very broken} ...Oh. Well, I should get washed up in the bathroom... {Gets up. Camera starts moving} Man, I feel kinda weird...

{Camera goes into bathroom.}

GILLIGAN: Well, guess I'll wash my fa- {Looks in mirror to see his face... except... its not his face. Instead, he-I mean, she- sees that her hair is much longer stretching all the way to her back. Her face also looks more feminine} WHAT THE HE- GWAH! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOICE! ...Wait... {Slowly looks down}

{Cut to outside of house}

GILLIAN: {Screaming. Can be heard from inside house} HOLY HELL CHESTICLES

{Cut back. Gillian bursts in}

GILLIAN: TRACY YOU HAVE TO HEL- {Looks at Tracy to see he has also turned female} ...HOLY CRAP


{Lemon, John, and Liame walk in and sees Tracy, Bella, and Sal}


TRACY: Gillian, what are you screaming about? Have you lost your Kyon figma again?

{a large hole forms in the wall. A woman with curly, brown hair and shades walks in}

WOMAN:{grabs Bella by the throat} What the hell have you done?!

BELLA: I don't know what you're talking about, Kate.

KATE: "KATE"?! My name is Keith, dammit. Why are we women?!

BELLA: Jesus, you're acting stranger than usual, Kate.

TRACY: I would hope so, if she created us.

KATE:{sighs} Look, where is that machine?

BELLA: Well... {points to a shard of metal embedded in the ceiling} -that's what left of it.

KATE: Oh God, we're stuck like this, aren't we? And right when Super Sam's on a vacation.

BELLA: I really have no idea what you mean.

GILLIAN: ...G-gillian!? M- my names Gilligan!

KATE:{sighs} I know, Gilligan. Somehow, Bell's created this genderbent universe. It appears that we're the only ones who notice this. Probably because we were asleep when it happened.

GILLIAN: Whoa. ...Well, I guess there IS a bright side to this. ...I look undeniably hot!

TRACY: Oh, Gillian, you left your Haruhi costume here yesterday. {pulls out some clothes that look similar to that of Haruhi Suzumiya's}

GILLIAN: ...I think I may get used to this.


GILLIAN: {Now wearing Haruhi costume} Never taking this off... EVER

TRACY: Hey, Gillian? Do you think my hair will grow to be ankle-length before Comic-Con?

GILLIAN: Uh... sure? Why do you want your hair to grow like that anyway?

TRACY: To cosplay as Konata, of course! I've told you this, like, five times already!

GILLIAN: Since when did you like Lucky Star?

TRACY: About a year ago.

{Liame, John, and Liame die, never to seen again.}'

GILLIAN: Oh, okay... so, um... what do we do normally? As girls? ...Not boys?

KATE: I don't know about you, but I'm gonna try to fix this. You could become a lesbian, or something.

GILLIAN: As incredibly hot as that sounds, I'm gonna have to say no...

KATE: ...Why not?

GILLIAN: ...Y'know what, nevermind. I'll give it a try.

KATE: Okay then. See ya. {disappears}

GILLIAN: ...Anyway Tracy, what do we normally do?

TRACY: Oh, random stuff. Attacking people, buying manga, going on trips, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

GILLIAN: {Thinking: So pretty much the same things we do when we're male...}

KATE:{reappears} Remember, this universe is barely different, aside from most of you guys switching genders. In fact, it may just be the Fanstuff Islands that have been affected...

GILLIAN: Well thats... kinda boring.

KATE: At least it doesn't make that The Genderbending of Haruhi Suzumiya thing canon.

GILLIAN: ...Good point.

{A roll like woman walks in.}

RAIKA: Hello.

{Meanwhile, in an area that suspiciously looks like Cave Story, three people are working on a project themselves.}

SIS: Ya sure this'll work?

SR: Have I ever scared ya wrong?

QUOTE: Yes, yes you have.

SR: Shut up, foo!

{A flash of white light.}

STRONG PLAID: {in a Sis-like body} Something's not right...

BRO: {in a Geo Stelar-like body} You said it...

QUOTA: {in a Curly Brace-like body} Well, this trope WAS indeed exaggerated...