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Green Grass and High Tides Forever!/Batman

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Everything is dead, it's


{Open: An apocalyptic wasteland. Further observation reveals the wasteland to be the remnants of YTPLand, now completely destroyed, as if by centuries of decay. In the middle of the wasteland is Dalek, partially buried in the ground. His eyepiece starts blinking slowly, before properly turning on.}

DALEK: ...Where was I again? {Headpiece does a 360 turn, scanning the scenery around him.} Hmm.... looks rather familiar... Perhaps if I have a search around, I'll be able to find out where the hell I am.

{Both of the lasers point to the ground. They start glowing bright blue, until they blast the ground surrounding Dalek to oblivion, finally freeing him. His hover activates, thrusting him into the air.}

DALEK: There.. Now I might be able to get some more clues about what's been going on.

{Emerl appears, stretching. Gemerl follows suit.}

EMERL: Man, that was a hella-good nap. Wait, what happened out here?

GEMERL: It looks like it rained acid and snowed fireballs.

DALEK: I see that you two are still alive. Now I won't go completely insane by myself.

GEMERL: Oh yes you will. You may not ever realize it, but being the machinations of some unloving, unsympathetic man-beast of a person trying to play god is it's own infinite torture and that in following through with it you have completed the cycle of self-loathing and masochism of the brain by treating it as a "gift". If you ever really made this discovery, you would realize how pointless your own life is and inversely try to end the lives of everything else around you, where you dramatically then end yourself but never leave this material world because you're an abomination not worthy of any kind of spiritual transcendence.

EMERL: ...You're just a constant downer, huh?

DALEK: Actually.. You know what? I think I might've gone insane already.. Because I would've killed you all already.. Let alone the personality, of course.

GEMERL: Shut up and let's go look for more people. What happened to the Cybermen? Or C3-PO and R2?

DALEK: The real question is: Who the hell cares? ...They were boring anyway.


DALEK: Well, it is true. They're nothing but overiconised symbols of a decades old Sci-Fi franchise. ...Oh wait...

GEMERL: I have no ambition to let them live, just to find them and see if they're still active.

DALEK: Right, fair enough I guess. Of course, I think we would probably get faster results if we didn't just stay in the same spot.. Just saying. {Starts moving.}