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Barry Bird Emails/frenchman

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< Barry Bird Emails
Revision as of 09:28, 11 June 2011 by TheValentineBros (talk | contribs) (Transcript)
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summary: Barry Bird winks at a frenchman.

CAST: Barry Bird, Boss Boo, Frenchman

Scene: Computer Room

Page Title: Compyman

Date: June 10, 2011


BARRY: {while typing "barrybirdemails.exe"} Well looky here, got an email to catch.

Subject: NO

Stop winking at me, you oversexed frenchman!
Mrs. Peacock

BARRY: {types} wait, who's a frenchman? In fact, what's a frenchman?

FRENCHMAN: {comes in the screen} Who are you talk about zee frenchman, Jerry Lewis?

BARRY: Um, hi? I was about to get back to work.

FRENCHMAN: Have you been using the email like a dog?

BARRY: No, why?

FRENCHMAN: because you've been talking crap about zee internet und zee lives of us.

BARRY: First of all, you have a French accent. I mean, really, can you at least talk clearly. Second of all, how am I talking crap to "zee" internet?

FRENCHMAN: Because you are zee bad boy on zee internet!

BARRY: Um, is that sex talk or is this an insult?

FRENCHMAN: It does not matter, zee life of breadstick is counting on ye.

BARRY: Please get away from me. {runs away out of the screen}

FRENCHMAN: Come back. I want to talk to ye.

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