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Assistant's Blog/3

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Assistant's Blog
"Dull and dreary... just how I like it."
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Archives: 3 · 2 · 1 

30. New year - 12.30.08

Well! It's almost the new year over at Casa de Assistant! Number Two and I have been getting some decorations up, and I plan on inviting my neighbors and some others I know--it's going to be a great way to make friends. Number Two isn't as enthralled, though.

Maybe he just doesn't want friends. What a killjoy.

Mood: hopeful AssistantEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: And She Was - The Talking Heads

29. DAMNIT - 12.26.08

I knew I shouldn't have put internet on this damn thing. Sorry, all. I'll keep my computer under wraps.

Mood: grrrr NumberTwoEmoteAngry.png

28. ??? - 12.26.08

Begin Process.
Query: What is this place?
Statement: I am RULER. I was built to rule.
Query: Who are you?
Assessment: I believe this is the internet. Further evidence collected in 10.06767 milliseconds shows that this is a weblog.
Query: Who is Assistant? Who is Number Two?
Assessment: I believe I need more help on the matter.
Statement: I would like anybody to help me with this problem. Thank you.
End Process.

Mood: operational RULEREmoteHappy.PNG
Tunes: Error. Cannot define "Tunes".

27. New game - 12.26.08

So I played that new Banjo-Kazooie game and it is fantastic. Who else here owns an XBox 360 or at least programmed your computer to play them?

Happy Boxing Day, all!

Mood: awesssssome NumberTwoEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: Hero Klungo Ssssssaves Teh World! Overture

26. Christmas gifts! - 12.25.08

So I got to come over to the Cohen's place for Christmas, and you'll never guess what they got me! It was one of those high-definition TV sets--they're so nice to me! I can't even imagine why they'd spend so much for me... I guess they value me as a friend! ... It's so nice of them to do that for me...

Mood: overjoyed AssistantEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: Ibi Dreams of Pavement - Broken Social Scene

25. Getting better... - 12.24.08

I'm feeling a little better now... I'm not puking as much, so that's definitely an improvement. Kitty came by again--he's in better shape than me, I can guarantee that. I just wish Number Two would show a little sympathy instead of working on that damn computer...

Mood: recovering AssistantEmoteNeutral.png
Tunes: Kalluri Vaanil - Prabhu Deva

24. A little free time - 12.24.08

X-Mas eve is upon us once again. Personally, I've got no damn idea what it's about, other than a big fat guy comes into your house and gives people things. Truth be told, I'm confused about most holidays. That's what being a robot does to you. NumberTwoEmoteHappy.png

Hey, but this isn't my blog. ... Perhaps I should get my own? ... I wouldn't know where to start. NumberTwoEmoteSad.png I guess I'll just keep using this thing. Assistant's still out sick, anyhow. Nasty stomach bug--he's puking all over everything! Here's hoping he doesn't get his sick all over the RULER.

Speaking of, progress on the RULER is going swell! I've just gotta install some programs into the mainframe, make a few tweaks here and there, tighten up the security on Level 3... it'll be done in no time! Wahahahaha!

Mood: industrious NumberTwoEmoteAngry.png
Tunes: Intelligent Qube Stage 1 Music

23. My newest invention! - 12.23.08

So Assistant went out to go get some medicine or something. I heard him wheezing and hacking. He doesn't sound that good, really... I'd be more sympathetic, but I don't really get sick.

Anyway, I've got to tell you all about my newest, greatest invention! It is a masterfully-made machine that will let me rule the world city suburb once and for all! I call it... THE RULER!

... Wait a minute.

Mood: hungry (wait, can I be hungry?) NumberTwoEmoteSad.png
Tunes: That Super Mario Song. You know that one. It goes like... dee dee deep a deep DEEP! That one.

22. Sick day - 12.23.08

Urgh... I'm not feeling good at all today. I must have picked up some nasty bug or something... either way, I'm still coughing up my lungs and anything else that deigns to come along for the ride. This always happens at Christmas...

I haven't seen Number Two around lately. Is he still working on that thing?

Mood: sickly AssistantEmoteSad.png
Tunes: September - Earth, Wind and Fire

21. New design - 12.22.08

So I redesigned my blog. I think it looks a lot more... modern? I guess that's a good way to describe it. Anyhow, I have a certain web designer to thank for that... Thanks, Bluebry!

Mood: satisfied AssistantEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: Viva la Vida - Coldplay

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