(even if you aren't vegan)
TheDenzel's Interview Show/Raiku
TheDenzel interviews Raiku
THEDENZEL: Welcome back, everybody. I'd like to welcome my next guest out here now. Please help me in welcoming, Raiku!
{Raiku walks in.}
THEDENZEL: So how are you today, Raiku?
RAIKU: Medium Well.
THEDENZEL: Sounds delicious. So what've you been working on recently?
RAIKU: Badstar's game music.
THEDENZEL: Game music for what?
RAIKU: Jump! Ultimate Badstars!
THEDENZEL: Whoa, deja vu. What's that all about?
RAIKU: A badstar version of JUS
THEDENZEL: Is there anything new that you alone have been working on?
RAIKU: Hmm...
THEDENZEL: Well, is there?
RAIKU: Raiku, The Animated Series. With all my characters. I wish I could meet them.
THEDENZEL: Well that sucks. We don't have anything to help you with that. What's your series about?
RAIKU: Umm, i see that Fiction Character Portal... the show's about my characters facing life, the seven deadly sins, etc.
THEDENZEL: That's not a portal, that's my fridge. Is your show really... serious?
THEDENZEL: But.. why?
RAIKU: Because I said it was.
THEDENZEL: But... why?
THEDENZEL: Don't you think that a serious series is a bit off compared to the rest of the WUW?
THEDENZEL: Well, what else are you currently working on?
NACHOMAN: raiku if you leave your face open you're gonna get popped
{nachoman leaves}