(even if you aren't vegan)
Skullish Rebirth/0
{open to the black screen of prologues}
NARRATOR: Skull Enterprises has been out of business for years. But...
{cut to a dimly-lighted room. A stereotypical teenager rides in on a skateboard}
TEEN: Duuuude! Where AM I?
{a glowing shadow engulfs the teen}
{the teen transforms into something like this, but with a more proportional body and a pinstripe suit}
TEEN: Hmm. It seems as though the experiment was a success. I'll congratulate Lieutenant once I find another teenager for him to possess.
{another teen walks in}
OTHER TEEN: Dude, where'd you-
{a different glowing shadow engulfs this teenager, he transforms into something like this}
TEEN:{okay, this is annoying. from now on he's the president of Skull Enterprises, General} Speak of the devil. Hi, Lieutenant.
LIEUTENANT: I take it my invention was a success?
GENERAL: Yep. Now, let's renovate this place. It looks horrible since we left it.
LIEUTENANT: I thought they were supposed to destroy this place.
GENERAL: Well, they didn't scrap the skullbuggies.
LIEUTENANT: How do YOU know?
GENERAL: The people whose house I haunted watch a lot of The SkullB Show. Turns out all the skullbuggies were either kept activated or rescued from junkyards.
{fade to black}