(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Strong Bad
What would CP say to Strong Bad? I think you know.
Cast: Color Printer, Strong Bad, Wagon Fulla Nothing
Color Printer: E, dash, M, A, I, and then an L! E-mail!
Subject: strong badDear Color Printer,
What are you most likely
to say when you talk to
Strong Bad?
A) "Hello Strong Bad."
B) "Sup, SB?"
C) "AAAHH!" {runs away}
Color Printer: {typing} Well, Princess, it would be the greatest descision of my life. So I'll let you decide!
{CP brings the choices back up. You can click on a choice to see the outcome.}
A) "Hello Strong Bad."
{Cut to Strong Bad with the Wagon Fulla Pancakes, but there's nothing in the wagon.}
STRONG BAD: Where did all the pancakes go?
COLOR PRINTER: {walks onscreen} Hello, Strong Bad.
STRONG BAD: You ate the pancakes!!!
STRONG BAD: Don't play dumb with me! {attacks Color Printer}
COLOR PRINTER: Aaaaaaaah! {runs offscreen}
{The paper comes down.}
B) "Sup, SB?"
{Cut to Strong Bad with the Wagon Fulla Pancakes, but there's nothing in the wagon.}
STRONG BAD: Now where did those pancakes go?
COLOR PRINTER: {walks onscreen} Sup, SB?
STRONG BAD: Hey, did you see who ate the pancakes that were in this wagon?
COLOR PRINTER: I think Homestar did.
STRONG BAD: {angry} HOMESTAR!!!!!!!!!!!! {runs away}
{The paper comes down.}
C) "AAAHH!" {runs away}
{Cut to Strong Bad with the Wagon Fulla Pancakes, but there's nothing in the wagon.}
STRONG BAD: This wagon fulla nothing is useless. {kicks wagon}
COLOR PRINTER: {walks onscreen} Hello-AAAHH! {runs away}
STRONG BAD: What the crap was that all about?
{The paper comes down.}
Easter Eggs
- When the choices come up, move your mouse a under C to see a hidden choice.
{Cut to the Wagon Fulla Pancakes, but there's nothing in the wagon.}
COLOR PRINTER: {offscreen} DIIIIE!!!!!
STRONG BAD: {runs onscreen} AAAAAAAAAAAAH! {runs offscreen}
{A laser is fired from the left side of the screen. It goes offscreen.}
STRONG BAD: Gah! {thump}
{The Paper comes down.}
Fun Facts
- The Wagon Fulla Pancakes is from montage.
- This email is suspiciously similar to 1 step ahead.