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Wiki User High School/Campus/Freshman Classes/Writing/Ass/War4

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War never sleeps.

Just like my cat, Dancer.

Dancer's always waking me up in the middle of night meowing for no reason in particular. "I fed you already, Dancer!" I whisper. Dancer continues to purr. "Go to sleep, Dancer!" I grunt. Dancer does not want to stop. "Dammit!" I yell as I kick Dancer out of my room and slam the door. For the rest of the night, I hear a soft scratching on my door. If I didn't know Dancer was out there, I would think a ghost was out to get me.

One time at band camp I thought I saw a ghost. It turned out to be my roommate who was one of those albinos. That didn't stop me from throwing my makeshift soda bobms at it, yelling "Demon beast Gozer!". I later apologized, but the relationship was strained forever.

His name was Randy. I have a cousin named Randy. He lives in Ohio. I don't see him a lot. Not as much as I'd like.
