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The big burn/2

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< The big burn
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{cuts to zoo walking next to a busy street. the sun is beginning to set. his head darts rapidly.}

ZOO977: Dot! Albino! {stops darting his head around} Man, I'm getting hungry. {walks offscreen. cuts to a diner. the waitress is arguing with zoo}

WAITRESS: I'm sorry, but we can't inject cheese into a hamburger bun.

ZOO977: But the sign says "custom orders accepted"!

WAITRESS: That isn't what it means.

ZOO977: Fine. But can I get melted cheese on the side?

WAITRESS: Sure? {walks off. zoo takes out a journal, and begins writing}

ZOO977: Day 1: No luck. I think that Dot and albino traveled a bit farther than town. Maybe they wandered over where the concert lake is. I guess I'll check there tomorrow.

{a hand put a hamburger next to zoo, with melted chese on the side}

ZOO977: {stops writing} Man, this place is fast. {continues writing, while injecting cheese into the hamburgers buns} But for now, I need to get a hotel room, a map of the area, and... generic essential tool. {puts down the pen. the scene cuts when zoo is about to bite the burger. he is in a hotel lobby. a man is at the counter}

MAN: Why do you want a wrecking ball stuck in the side of your room?

ZOO977: To make it feel more like at home!

MAN: A wrecking ball is stuck in your home?!?

ZOO977: No, there's a giant hole in my room. I get wet when it floods!

MAN: Okay? {hands zoo a room key, zoo pays. cuts to zoos hotel room. his stuff is on the bed. zoo is using his microscope.}

ZOO977: {looking through the telescope} There's well! {pushes a button. some smoke goes through the air vents.} Erm... Hoorah? {a door knock is heard. Liame is at the door}

LIAME: Do you know why there's smoke in my room?

ZOO977: Oh, that's my telescope!


{Liame throws fire at Zoo but Zoo dodges it and hits his telescope. It spins around and lands on a new constellation}

ZOO977: Thanks, Liame!

LIAME: Whatever. Now, you look like you're going to pinch it?

ZOO977: I'm going to pinch what? {pronounces "what" like "butt".}


{Liame ROLFs (Rolls on the floor laughing)}

ZOO977: What? I don't get it!

LIAME: You said you were going to pinch butt! Hey, spell Icup.

ZOO977: I-C-U-P.

LIAME: Spell "Icup funny colors", but just say funny colors.

ZOO977: I-C-U-P funny colors.

{Liame laughs again}

LIAME: Oh man that never gets old...

ZOO977: I still don't get it.

LIAME: Well, anyway, I'm hungry.

ZOO977: Hungry for what?

LIAME:Eggs, side of bacon.

ZOO977: Um, it's 5:07 at night...


ZOO977:Well, I wouldn't suggest the diner. They wouldn't inject cheese into my hamburger.

LIAME: Dare I ask?

ZOO977: What ever. I do have a plan! {throws the room service menu at Liame}

LIAME: Hmmm... Doesn't have it on here.

ZOO977: {opens his laptop, begins searching. he looks up blankly} Maybe the all day breakfast place in the lobby.

LIAME: Oh, thanks. {Runs to the lobby.}

{cuts to the lobby. zoo rushes down the stairs, and runs into a weird knick-knack shop. Liame comes down as well. he notices zoo}

LIAME: Hey Zoo! Get me a clock from there, OK?

ZOO977: Got it!

{Liame walks up to the breakfast bar, and grabs a plate. he then sits down. zoo follows, wearing a weird hat that looks like a chocolate milkshake. he hands Liame a clock}

LIAME: Dare I ask, milkshake head?

ZOO977: {takes the hat off, opens the top. Inside is a bunch of candy, his wallet, a photo book, a DS, 2 beebee guns, and a camera} It convenient, and I like milkshakes. A LOT!

LIAME: Haha, a regular DS? I have a DS Light with the LoZ logo on it.

ZOO977: Thats also not what it appears. {opens the DS. Its holds his cell phone, and a still packaged salt and pepper shaker set. And a normal DS.} See?

LIAME: Haha. I can beat that old thing. {Opens his DS. It has a finger massager, a computer, a game cartrige holder, and a MP3 player}

ZOO977: Cool! {takes out a bag of the sour power on skittles. he closes the hat, and puts it on. He then drinks the powder}