(even if you aren't vegan)
Aruseus Emails/jokes
Aruseus fails at jokes.
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Tom,
Places: TLA Living Room, Tom's Room,
Computer: T-Comp 400X
Date: Febuary 4th, 2007
ARUSEUS: {sighs} Tenth email, no computer. What will I do?
TOM: {offscreen} Aruseus! come down here!
{Cut to Tom's Room, Tom is standing next to his computer}
TOM: Check it out. You can use my computer, for now.
ARUSEUS: Sweet! Email time. {clicks the Email icon}
Dear Aruseus,
- Homestar Runner
Can you bake me a pie?
ARUSEUS: Hey! An email from Homestar. I know what to do. {clicks a key}
ARUSEUS: Now time for the real email.
Dear Aruseus,
- Homefez Dancer
Tell us some jokes! You're
really funny!
ARUSEUS: {typing} Ah. Homefez. Homestar's cousin who is NOT stupid like him! {clears screen}
ARUSEUS: {typing} Jokes, eh, Fezzy? I don't really know any. But what do you get when you cross Strong Bad's oldest computer with a parrot?
{Cut to an intersection, a Tandy 400 and a Parrot are moving, they hit and a cloud engulfs them}
ARUSEUS: {voiceover} An exploding bird!
{The cloud fades to see The Tandy 400, with the parrot's head, wings, and tail. The parrot/computer flys upwards, squawks, and then explodes}
{Cut back to T-Comp}
ARUSEUS: {typing} Ahahah...that one always gets me. I should tell more! Uh...um...oh! What do you get when you cross a The Cheat and a bunjee cord? My-
TOM: As I said before, this is until you get a new computer.
ARUSEUS: Whatever. {typing} So I guess I should get to another joke. {leaves}
{Cut to the field, Strong Mad and The Cheat are there, Aruseus walks in}
ARUSEUS: Hey guys.
ARUSEUS: I'm not...I don't think I am...am I, Zabuza Momo-cheat?
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}
ARUSEUS: Ok. Well, Richstar Runner and Zeke Zeffer walk into a bar and the next day they own it.
THE CHEAT: {laughing}
ARUSEUS: Hahahah...
{Aruseus walks off, Cut back to Lappy.}
ARUSEUS: {typing} So they you have it Homestar...I mean Homefez. I told some jokes. One more. When will Lyle attempt to saw Foxx in half? A MEH-gic show! Hahaha!
TOM: That was lame.
{The Paper comes down.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the words "saw Foxx in half to see a scene.
{Cut to Lyle's Room, Foxx is inside a wooden box, his feet and head are sticking out, Lyle, in a magician's outfit, is sawing the box in half, along with Foxx.}
FOXX: Don't you have a dummy? This will hurt me, you know.
{The back half of the box falls down}
Fun Facts
- The nickname, "Zabuza Momo-ceat" is a play on the name of the Naruto character, Zabuza Momochi.