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RiffText/RTOD/Adventures of Yobnaf/Yobnaf's House

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You start at the kitchen. The goal is the bathroom, at the back of the house.

LIGHTNING GUY: OK. Why am I in the kitchen and why do I want to go to the bathroom? Is there some kind of instruction manual?
NAMINE: I imagine there's a heavy tutorial sequence which takes three hours to get through, in lieu of an instruction manual. It would make sense, given this isn't an actual game being programmed.

Oh, no, wait. This is too cool for an instruction manual, right?

NAMINE: Wrong.

BOSS: mom s'Fanboy

NAMINE: Yobnaf's mom. The backwards gimmick is overused in this fanfic; that part you're correct on.
This sounds like a scary enemy.


{Yobnof wakes up in his room}

LIGHTNING GUY: Well, where would he wake up? On the roof?
NOXIGAR: Actually, that sounds cooler.

YOBNAF: Pie is good

LIGHTNING GUY: OK, so, he just wakes up and the first thing he thinks is that pie is good.
NOXIGAR: Don't people think random things when they first awaken, or is that considered abnormal?
That's not completely random and unnecessary.

{He walks to the kitchen and makes toast}

LIGHTNING GUY: Wait, I thought he wanted pie. So when he said "pie", he actually meant "toast" or did he just say that out of thin air with no meaning to what happens next whatsoever?
NAMINE: You know it's the latter, so why are we pretending you don't know?
Yep, this game is coming off to bad start. At least we now know why we're in a kitchen.

YOBNAF: All toasters toast toast! I need to stop watching YTP man... </blockquote>

LIGHTNING GUY: OK, who are you talking to? The amazing talking weasel from outer space? And you're actually referencing YouTube Poop? If this was a real game, you'd be sued to the ground!
NAMINE: By whom? YouTube Poop isn't copyrighted in of itself.

And then kicked in the face by me!

NOXIGAR: He'd go over to this programmer's house just to randomly kick them in the face, while criticizing how random the Yobnaf's dialogue is.

{A ship crashes into the wall. Aliens step out. They zap him, giving him powers}

LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, is this a common thing for fanboY? Or for anyone, really? No, wait, this is a video game, you have to be as far away from reality as possible for it to be good!

YOBNAF: I feel weird. I now will eat toast!

LIGHTNING GUY: Of course you will. You see an alien crash into your wall, zap you, you feel weird, and the first thing you do is eat toast!
NAMINE: Maybe he's just eating toast while trying to process something exceptionally far-fetched.

And, oh, look, there's nothing else. This cutscene

NAMINE: I get it's pretending it's a game, but there's nothing programmed which makes it a game. The whole fanfiction is just cutscenes.
ended with a nice cliffhanger, don't you think?