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RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/59

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Revision as of 23:08, 8 November 2013 by Noxigar (talk | contribs) (All is not well in the Shire)
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NOXIGAR: A quality The World's Greatest is found wanting of.


{Open to the two}

QUINT: Technically, this episode shouldn't exist.

NOXIGAR: Technically, all of your episodes shouldn't exist.

HENRY: Yeah, what with episode 57 still not done and all.

NOXIGAR: Please stop being Joss Whedon and actually fix the problems you lampshade in your work, for the love of all that is holy.

{Pause that lasts exactly 53 seconds}

HENRY: That's it. We don't owe you a dime.

NOXIGAR: While you may not owe me a dime, you do owe me some of that Maine Yen.

QUINT: Which is good, we still haven't transferred our euros into Maine Dollars.

HENRY: No, it's Maine Yen. Get it right, wanker.

NOXIGAR: Yeah, wanker

QUINT: Sorry, friend.

{They hug. All is well}


NOXIGAR: All really shouldn't be well.