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RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/10

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A Justin Timberlake concert

NOXIGAR: I get the feeling we won't be listening to any Justin Timberlake.


{Open to the two}

QUINT: So, what did you think of Thor?

HENRY: It was boring and repetitive and slower than peanut butter.

NOXIGAR: How can something be slower than peanut butter?

Tastier than it too.

NOXIGAR: How can something not be tastier than peanut butter?

QUINT: I disagree, I think it was boring and repetitive and faster than a man being chased by Irish music.

HENRY: Oh, god, I feel sorry for that man.


HENRY: He would be listening to Irish music.



HENRY: I've never actually heard Irish music.

NOXIGAR: Comedic timing at its finest.

QUINT: The guy who writes us has never seen Thor, either. Don't judge movies based on the trailer, Ben.

NOXIGAR: Well, shit. I guess I'm guilty of judging Pacific Rim based on its horrible trailer. I still wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot-pole, due to my skepticism of pretty much anything sci-fi, but at the very least I could give it a second chance later.

HENRY:: Yeah!


QUINT: That said, Irish music is terrible.

HENRY: Yeah.

NOXIGAR: I guess Quint's heard Irish music, then?


NOXIGAR: I find this episode's blatant author tract somewhat dead to rights.