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Revision as of 03:35, 13 August 2013 by JuomariVeren (talk | contribs) (revisiting the direction of this episode)
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How this episode will *hopefully* work

Using D'Arque, Droll, Undead galore, random citizens, and any various minor/off characters you decide to employ/introduce, we shall create a grand variety of scenelets and comedies. Ideally, we'd see the full spectrum of performances - I am not at all against us using our actual characters, I just wanted to discuss it all on the talk page first. Here, we shall discuss how we want to approach the parts of the episode as they occur. I'll set the stage after we've started our discussion. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 12:14, 29 December 2012 (UTC)

I'll let you guys start it since otherwise I would use the "Noxigar has a weird dream" opener which was common for a time during the original Wikihood Redux. I'm trying to devise more ideas, such as a prize akin to one of the Necromantic Armor pieces or maybe money equivalent to getting said piece. I have confirmed names of the pieces on my character's page - not all of them, but some of 'em. Noxigar 12:31, 29 December 2012 (UTC)

Starting the Racing Engines

Hamina-hoo... now. Noxigar 05:15, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

about building an expansion to the house

The Wikihood house is - then, now, and forever - subject to the "Oh Look, More Rooms!" trope; that there is always enough room for the characters that decide to live there, because no show can't not have tropes Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 07:20, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

Alright. I'm actually trying to justify the trope so it's not an asspull. I hate asspulls. Noxigar 07:52, 31 December 2012 (UTC)
We already wrote in that Fritz and Lang were trying to renovate, right? We'll write it off and chalk it up to the tab Rosenberg is keeping Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 07:58, 31 December 2012 (UTC)
{nods} Gotcha. Noxigar 08:19, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

The Yellow Submarine Model

Yo, homebuoys. I had Noxigar make a car based on parts from the Yellow Submarine model and Organzation XIII weapon replicas which I thought would be helpful for winning the Mad Dash. The idea mostly focused on making the Yellow Submarine model happen again from Episode 2, since he furnace'd it and can owe Lex another one that is at least tooled to be usable for winning races (such as this Mad Dash). If the Mad Dash turns out to be something else, I'm certain I can trust you guys with knowledge of what to do. :V Noxigar 03:22, 6 January 2013 (UTC)

I'll get back to writing soon

I have a music festival this week, I'm booked up until Saturday Night(so basically, until Sunday). I'll CLEAN UP YOUR GIGANTIC MESS when I get back ;). Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 18:05, 9 January 2013 (UTC)

No prob. I'm just trying not to be overly contributory with this episode. Noxigar 01:03, 10 January 2013 (UTC)
the bastard's probably gonna remove skrillex >:( Lex 01:42, 10 January 2013 (UTC)
lex you know me so well <3 <3 <3 Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 03:02, 10 January 2013 (UTC)
Well, whatever you do the Yellow Submarine remodelling should be intact, mostly because the entire point was to have Noxi make his own car to race in the Mad Dash with. I mean, if it still gets in the way of the episode's artistic vision, I have no qualms with it being expunged.Noxigar 03:06, 10 January 2013 (UTC)

hey I lied I can't guarantee I have internet day in and day out so until i actually have a stable network I'll be sidelined DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME, MY LOVES Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 22:44, 22 January 2013 (UTC)

I'm not going to forget about this. Noxigar 06:22, 23 January 2013 (UTC)
Well, for me, I've finished Ass Creed 3 and I've finished crying tears over the death of my glorious babies, so I'll be able to write more now. Lex 01:24, 25 January 2013 (UTC)
Okay. Taking a break from this due to otherwise feeling like I could've taken over the episode if I didn't show restraint. Noxigar 08:32, 25 January 2013 (UTC)

I shall return to edit this on Saturday, and will begin to regularly update again starting Monday. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 05:11, 15 February 2013 (UTC)

Same here. After finishing Ass Creed, Metal Gear happened. Sorry. ;( Lex 05:24, 15 February 2013 (UTC)

3. Given I normally associate Noxigar with sleeves, this was more-or-less an accidental pun.

who the hell wrote this

what on earth

no what???

Seriously, WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT??????





FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png

I did. Associating someone with clothing fragments isn't a problem you should get so uppity about. :| Noxigar 23:06, 17 February 2013 (UTC)









FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png

wait come back

my internet is fixed guys

guys come back


Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 03:05, 13 April 2013 (UTC)

hi Lex 06:13, 14 April 2013 (UTC)
hi lex :smith:
I'm sorry I was gone so long :smith:
can we start :smith:
writing :smith:
:smith:-gain Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 16:37, 15 April 2013 (UTC)
It's 'kay. I just hopped on Tumblr and managed to keep up with my studies while waiting. :) Noxigar 23:46, 15 April 2013 (UTC)
yeah i would write more
it's just
this episode
lbr here
we ain't gettin' nowhere with it Lex 05:04, 16 April 2013 (UTC)
I can't even imagine how to retool it to make it better, I think we need to take a step back and re-assess(hah, I said ass) this episode's situation Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 15:48, 16 April 2013 (UTC)
Go ahead and remodel it if you so choose. Noxigar 22:13, 17 April 2013 (UTC)
Does anybody have any input on the matter? Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 17:44, 18 April 2013 (UTC)
Nuke it. Lex 00:31, 19 April 2013 (UTC)
Double nuke it. The Sea Hitman's Underwater Palace could use a rehaul. Noxigar 04:10, 7 June 2013 (UTC)

revisiting the direction of this episode

(now would sure be a convenient time for Noxigar to come back)

So, how I think I want to re-approach it is as follows: given Noxigar's expositing(which we can keep, I just need to know what he wants to do with it in the short term), D'Arque and Droll plan to use the Mad Dash to exhaust the Wikihood Crew and then overwhelm them with undead while raising money that they will inevitably use to crush Rosenberg. Using a few asides typical of telethons, we cut back and forth revealing more of the conflict between D'Arque and Rosenberg while watching how the gang deals with the dash.

The only thing I don't know what I want to do is the ending. I want this to be able to end(or at least cut off) the story arc as it follows so we can do an episode or two of filler, for a change of pace. Anybody have ideas? Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 00:33, 13 August 2013 (UTC)

Well, I definitely like that idea. As for it ending.. hm, considering how the full conflict between Rosenberg and D'Arque hasn't really started yet, we could end the episode on a peaceful note, where status quo remains the same for all the characters. Basically bringing the animosity between everyone (except for D'Arque/Rosenberg and their backstory of course) back to how it was in episode one, allowing us to forget about them for a tiny bit and as you said, have a few episodes of filler to lighten the load of the plot somewhat, before kicking it into full gear for "act 2" of the story arc.
Perhaps we could use the filler episodes to, like.. "expand" the universe a bit more? Like, considering how the first few episodes touched on daily life inside the house pretty much, these ones could touch on daily life outside the house, allowing us to introduce more minor reoccurring characters in terms of universe building and such. Just a suggestion.
I hope I made sense with all this, hahaha. Lex 05:38, 13 August 2013 (UTC)
Of course! I wanted to explore the backstory we established for the original 3, demonstrate Remolay's abilities while maybe digging into his psyche a little, and then maybe add a new housemate to tag along. We've got the whole world to explore, and it's not unreasonable that we get a chance to solidify the world around them beyond what's going on in this Tale of Two Cities. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 05:49, 13 August 2013 (UTC)
Oh yes, yes. Definitely. We have an entire infinitely expanding world to work in, and somewhere down the line, I wouldn't mind the characters actually going far beyond their boundaries. Like, going to different countries and cities and stuff. A bit ambitious at the moment, but hopefully something we can lead up to when we (hopefully) start expanding the plot and such. That's the awesome thing, we have unlimited potential here. Just what we need to keep in mind (which we've actually done quite well in doing already, just something we should keep up) is that we need to keep ourselves grounded at the same time so it's not like old (new) wikihood, what with the villain of the week blowing up the universe every episode. Lex 07:13, 13 August 2013 (UTC)
Yes, yes, keep it relatively down to earth. After all, once you go to space, there really isn't much anywhere else to go. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 07:32, 13 August 2013 (UTC)
I'm still gonna assume that the whole "space pirate" thing was more of a gag than an actual plot point. Lex 07:34, 13 August 2013 (UTC)
I doubt we'll touch on it again, but it was meant to explain where the hell we went for 5 years. Not much more behind it. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 07:35, 13 August 2013 (UTC)