(even if you aren't vegan)


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Revision as of 02:07, 17 December 2012 by Noxigar (talk | contribs) (hm, a short episode? I must riff it so I can skip it once I'm done with Episode 9's riff!)
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In honor of the beginning of the second season, JCMovies teamed up with MMMP to produce this video about JCM's first meal back home and how it nearly destroys the world. Unfortunately, the creators of the film forgot JCM's name, so they called him "Blue Guy". Oh well. Enjoy!


NAMINE: So I have Cursed Sam to thank for an underwhelming video, and an overall underwhelming episode. I'd employ a few running gags here and there, but honestly this episode doesn't deserve them. JCM just shortcutted transcripted and recruited a guy on YouTube, as well as many slides transparently made in MSPaint to use as content. Honestly, I'd much rather he did transcript text on the grounds of that, well, being the entire point of Wiki User Wiki in the first place.

NAMINE: Honestly, the poor quality of the art detracts from the overall message of "don't overeat, because once you make yourself feel gorged it definitely feels like the end of the world. Noxigar keeps telling me the same story of how he became a Heartless - apparently it was from eating too much and getting a heart attack as a result of his avid consumption of rare steak. I honestly don't think he underwent a cardiac arrest, and maybe it had something to do with one of his escapades gone horribly wrong.

NAMINE: That said, I'll admit that you did better than this episode, JCM.