(even if you aren't vegan)
Zarel Emails/Inbox
Please leave your Emails below the line, and use the blockquote "zarel2" or <pre> tags, okay? Also, don't put it under the Saving For Later line, since those are for ones I will use in future 'sodes.
Oh, and I have every right to remove your email if I don't like it.
Would you be my frined?
be mine, Lindsay Kunis
subject: whyZAREL,
-Dr. Ali in Washington
Tired of worthless scams?Greetings, friend, I am new to this town.
I am a travelling businessman in search for some new customers.
As soon as I came here, I noticed that the predominant form of business happened to be that of Bubs and his concession stand.
Don't you people know what he's doing to you? He's been scamming all of you out of all your money by charging you huge amounts for worthless items!
You know what would be a good idea? If you bought from me instead. So we can both take this pathetic man down.
- Stan Khan