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Zarel Emails/32

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Zarel E-Mail #32

Zarel is asked if Strong Bad ever annoys him. Oddly enough, Strong Bad is asked the same thing.

Cast (in order of appearance): Zarel, Strong Bad, Marshie, The Sad Kids, Yodeler Man

Places: The Roomy-Vac, The Field


ZAREL: Please, baby, please, baby, baby baby, pleaaaaaaase...gimme some email!

subject: Zarel

Hey Strongbad!
Man that Zarel kid is annoying, amirite?

Ami Rite

{He says "amirite" as "ammy-right", and pronounces the sender's name as "am I right"}

ZAREL: What?! I'm not annoying! Since when have I ever been annoying?

{Fade to black, in white text, the words, "Elsewhere..." appear}

{Fade in to outside of Strong Bad's SnailMail box}

STRONG BAD: Well, gotta go clean out the old girl.

{He opens a letter}

STRONG BAD: {after saying "Hey Aruseus"} Aruse-who? {reads the rest} What?! I'm not annoying! Since when have I ever been annoying?

{Cut back to Zarel}

ZAREL: So Strong Ba-

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: -rel thinks I'm annoying, eh? Well It seems like-

{Cut back to Zarel}

ZAREL: -I'm-a gonna have-ta teach him a-

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: -lesson with a punch to the face! This-

{Cut back to Zarel}

ZAREL: -calls for extreme measures! I'm gonna have to take-

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: -something like this into-

{Cut back to Zarel}

ZAREL: -my own hands-

{Cut back to The Field, where Strong Bad and Zarel are next to each other}

STRONG BAD: Strong Bad style!

ZAREL: {simultaneously} Zarel style!

STRONG BAD: Alright, The Big Zalowski, what's this about me being annoying?

ZAREL: I was gonna ask you the same, Strong Bad! That crap is with that email I got?

STRONG BAD: Well, there was a snail mail today addressed to who I think is you...

ZAREL: {off character} Was it for Aruseus?

STRONG BAD: {off character} Yeah.

ZAREL: {off character} Yeah, then it's me.

STRONG BAD: {off character} Alright. {back in character} Well, there was a snail mail today addressed to you asking if I annoy you sometimes!

ZAREL: That's funny, because I got an email addressed to you asking if I'm annoying or not!

{The screen dims, and the two are frozen in place}

{Marshie wobbles onscreen}

MARSHIE: Well, kids? Didjya miss me?

{Cut to a yellow background}

MARSHIE: It's that time of year again!

{As Marshie says this, a Santa hat drops on his head and a Christmas tree pops up. The Sad Kids also appear. Snow falls, and bells can be heard jingling.}

MARSHIE: Not that time of year!

{Everything behind Marshie explodes, cut to a red background}

MARSHIE: Play our new Fluffy Puff Annoying-Off Sweepstakes and win a trip to a place!

{Marshie appears on Main Page 2 when he says "a place" wearing lederhosen and a Tyrolean hat.}


{Cut to a green background this time with a Fluffy Puff Mayonnaise can in the background}

MARSHIE: All you have to do is shove a Fluffy Puff Marshmallow in every orifice of your bod-

{Cut back to Zarel and Strong Bad at the Field, Marshie is still in mid float}

ZAREL AND STRONG BAD: {yelling} Shut up, will ya?!

MARSHIE: Jipes! {flies away}

ZAREL: So where were we?

STRONG BAD: Who is more annoying...

{Pause for 3 seconds, the two lower their eyelids}


{Cut back to the Roomy-Vac}

ZAREL: {typing} So there you have it, Amaterasu. We've-

{Cut to Strong Bad writing a snail mail}

STRONG BAD: {writing} -come to a consensus that neither one of us is more-

{Cut back to Zarel}

ZAREL: {typing} -annoying than the other! We've pretty much agreed that if-

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: {writing} -anyone of us is the most annoying, it's-

{Cut to Strong Bad and Zarel in the Roomy-Vac interior replying to their respective messages}

ZAREL AND STRONG BAD: -that freakin' marshmallow. Done!

{The Paper}

{pause for 5 seconds}

ZAREL: Yeah, now get out of my house.

Fun Facts

  • "The Big Zalowski" is in reference to "The Big Lebowski."
  • Amaterasu can refer to either a Japanese goddess of the sun, or the main character of the Okami series, under the same name and general basis.