(even if you aren't vegan)
Zarel Emails/23
Zarel E-Mail #23
Still a computer vagabond, Zarel is asked about superhero-dom.
Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Zarel, Homestar Runner, Foxx, Strong Sad, Homeschool Winner, Hoofstar Floater, Strong Buck
Places: Strong Bad's Basement, Computer Room, The Field, The Stick, The Whatsit Pile
{Cut to Strong Bad's Basement}
STRONG BAD: Alright, look. You've already used my Compé and The Cheat's thing-a-ma-bobber, and we're kinda running out of options here. How long are you going to go on this computer vagabonded-ness?
ZAREL: Well I still have this old warranty thing that says I get a free Compy brand computer, but I'm saving it for later.
STRONG BAD: WHAT?! You mean you've had this thing the whole time?! But why save it for later?!
ZAREL: I'm saving it for a milestone number...like 25!
STRONG BAD: So we're gonna be at this for another one, huh? The warranty's probably expired; didn't you get that back in ought ten?
ZAREL: Nope, I've read it, and it lasts me until 2015!
STRONG BAD: Wait, you read it too?! Ugh...GRK...look, just...
{Cut to Strong Bad's Computer Room, the Block is set up there}
STRONG BAD: ...just take this old thing! I don't care, do whatever! Check email on it, eat it, just...Gaaaaaah! {runs out of the room}
ZAREL: Sheesh, why does he have to question my motives? {types "zarel_mail.exe"}
subj: superherowassup zarel,
have you ever been a superhero.
grant howard
ZAREL: {typing} Superhero, pytasz? Cóż, Grant... {stops} Wait a minute. {clears screen and continues} A superhero, you ask? Well, Grant, I can't say I've ever had a career as a superhero at all. I mean, there were some times when I've used my ability to fly to help others out. I guess that's pretty heroic, right? Like that one time-
{cut to The Field}
ZAREL: {voiceover} I saved Strong Bad from mass amounts of stupidity...
HOMESTAR: So I says to the guy, "Notta chance, duckm'n! That pork fried rice is mine for the salad eating contest-"
{Zarel swoops in and grabs Strong Bad}
HOMESTAR: Strong Bad? Ah! He's been kidnapped! You win this time, Duckm'n!
{Cut to The Stick}
ZAREL: {voiceover} Or that one time I saved Foxx from copious amounts of dull...
STRONG SAD: So I said to the guy, "That's no pluperfect tense, that's my imaginary dead wife!" {laughing softly} Ohohoho...
{Foxx groans, Zarel swoops in to grab him}
STRONG SAD: I almost had a real friend...
ZAREL: {voiceover} Or that one time I saved both Foxx and Strong Bad from a great amount of stank!
{Cut to the Whatsit Pile, Foxx and Strong Bad's legs protrude from the top of it, twitching}
ZAREL: {flies over it with a clothespin on each nostril} Forget that...
{Cut back to the Block}
ZAREL: {typing} Yeah, those are only a small example of my heroic herodom! In fact, there was also the one time that I flew so fast, I was able to pull off a spectacular Sonic Windboom!
{Zoom out to show Strong Bad again}
STRONG BAD: Wait wait wait, you never did any of that! Alright, maybe the whatsit even was true, I don't remember any sonic wind boom things.
ZAREL: That's because you weren't there to see it!
STRONG BAD: That's because I was probably tending to my castle of hot alien babes.
ZAREL: You don't have any babes...nor do you have a castle!
STRONG BAD: You dare question the Strong Bad?
ZAREL: I'll question whoever I please, buddy!
STRONG BAD: Oh, that's it! Bring it, Guile!
{the two get in a fight resulting in one of those cartoon punch clouds}
{The Paper comes down}
HOMESCHOOL WINNER: Do I really have to keep doing this-
Easter Eggs
- Click on "Sonic Windboom" for a scene:
Easter Egg Transcript
{Cut to the Field, with a tan colored unicorn sitting at a laptop. He is wearing a Strong Bad mask, has blue hair protruding from the back of his head, a blue spiky tail, and a light blue horn. On his flank is a boxing glove. Suddenly, a white pegasus with a red star on his flank, a mane and tail of red, white, and blue, and a buzzer cap flies above him}
HOOFSTAR: Hey, Strong Buck, what's the haps?
STRONG BUCK: Ugh...get out of here, Hoofstar, I'm checking a-my mails.
Fun Facts
- The Block was used to answer Polish emails in the sbemail: other days, hence why Zarel speaks Polish for a brief moment at the beginning.
- "Sonic Windboom" and the easter egg are references to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Go bronies!
- Specifically, Hoofstar and Strong Buck's appearances are based on this picture.