(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/45
From Wiki User Wiki
NOXIGAR: A farce is in the bear? Oh, I bet the bear's comedy gold now!
{Open to the two}
QUINT: So, your last name is "Kendin", right?
HENRY: That's correct.
QUINT: Aw, good. Is that why the garden's so nice?
HENRY: What do you mean?
NOXIGAR: You had to ask, Henry Kendin.
QUINT: You know, because you're always Kendin to the plants!
{Short pause}
{Actually no, fucking long-ass pause}
NOXIGAR: Make up your mind. Did you want a short pause, or a long pause?
HENRY: You're right, actually.
QUINT: Thought as much.
NOXIGAR: I'm going to wash the taste of the horrible pun out of my mouth.