(even if you aren't vegan)
This is a picture of Hans Arp, a French/German dadaist from the WWI era, which I colored blue in Photoshop and proliferated throughout the Internet:
But you probably want an intro. I'm the one and only Homfrog. My website is Homfrog.net. I hang out (literally, all the time) at my Twitter; that's pretty much the only place where it's a good idea to contact me. That or my email, which is on my website (you shouldn't have any trouble finding it, but I prefer not to link it here).
I'm basically obsessed with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I write pony fanfiction and animate silly cartoons for fun. Do you know how hard it is to keep a solid description of myself consolidated and accurate across 30 or more websites? I have Asperger's (har-de-har stereotypes) and scoliosis (which sucks), and I make good sandwiches. I'm well-read and savvy in the ways of the Internet. Major Google fan here, eeyup. Also I'm asexual.
This page will probably not be updated for a long time after this, so I've tried to make this information as current as possible. However, your mileage may vary, and things may have changed for me, and that's okay. I feel the same, I'm on my way.
TL;DR IN THE FORM OF AN ABECEDARIUM: Aspie brony cartoonist, damn eccentric, fanfiction god, heavy Internet jargon, killer literate magician, nerd ogles plot, quite restrained sexually though, unicorn visionary, winged X-man, yours zodaically.
Last edited: 17:33, 3 July 2011 (UTC)
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