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Revision as of 15:16, 7 November 2011 by StroHersh (talk | contribs) (just sayin': new section)
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hey so

hey so

hey so

H̾ͫ́ͥ͑̐҉̩͕͍̩͍Ē̴̵̛̞̪͈̭̯̺̪͈͍̰̳̠͔̺̳̞̲̘͈͐ͨ̑̃̍̾̾ͤ͘͟Y̸̵̡̳̟͎̱͚͎̹͍̞̘̫ͯ͂͗̚ ̶̨͚̱͙͙̫̼͔̙̟̿̏ͤ͋ͯͬ̐͒̽̒̄̾͋̚̚͠͝Ş̸̼̠͕̩̺̲̯̩̼͍͙͓̼̯͕̙̬̘̲ͨ́̉ͦ̏͂̍ͧ̅̃̚͢O̷̴̶̰̮̻̣ͣ̀͐̄̂̆̒̇̒̓̐ͣ̉ͧ͑́ͮͤ͜

I want to whitewash this again.

With weapons.

With an intensity so strong that we delete everything and actually start back at episode 1.

I wanted to know if anyone else was interested, because if nobody else is, then I'm just going to make this a separate project and not tamper with this fanstuff, but otherwise I wanted to know if I would have help.

Also, if we reform this, we will have a slightly more strict code of conduct, to ensure that we don't taper off like this again. If I get enough general interest I'll share my idea for the remake with you all and we can work on refining it and making it a solid foundation for something that actually has potential. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 04:15, 9 October 2011 (UTC)

Also, we would revert back to a more comedy-oriented format. That's probably the biggest selling point. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 04:16, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
you could have all the selling points in the world and no-one would read it anyway FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png
Erm... I'd read it. But then, I'm easily ammusedRemolaySig.pngtalk 15:14, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
You find The World's Greatest funny, so easily amused is an understatement FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png
we were beating a dead horse back in 2007
right now, we're pretty much gang-raping the dead horse, while sending videos of the said act to the horses bereaved family
i totally approve of this, btw Lex 19:22, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
I may or may not have already started transcribing the new set of rules and guidelines we will establish. As long as someone doesn't mind that I do awful atrocities to the old episodes. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 20:40, 10 October 2011 (UTC)


Here's a sample. This would probably be the first episode, but everything after that is hand-written by all the contributors. Also, if we drum up more attention and get others who want to write, then we can replace the roles(I intended for specific Wiki Users to show up, but that can all be subject to change once we sit down to write episode 2.} Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 17:41, 15 October 2011 (UTC)

So, should we start planning for the next episode?

Because I have an idea that could be potentially amusing. Lex 11:30, 22 October 2011 (UTC)

Shoot. The only thing that's plot-centric is introducing the 3 new housemates. Otherwise I'm tapped on ideas. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 17:25, 22 October 2011 (UTC)
Right. This is just a one-off episode thing, not a whole storyline. Anyway.
This picks off right at the end of the first episode, with the revelation of the new house guest. Said house guest happens to be none other than Raiku, in his full unoriginal splendour.
Chaos and Noxigar are against this completely, of course. But he doesn't get the chance to say anything about it, as Lex has already decided to let him inside the house, showing himself as hospitable, yet rather naive.
For the first few weeks, Raiku behaves himself, causing as little trouble as possible. Lex is completely fine with him, and both Chaos and Noxigar are finally starting to warm up to him.
Then it happens. Lex and Chaos leave the house to run errands (or whatever the fuck they do), and Raiku is left alone with Noxigar. He completely trashes the place, taunting Noxigar while doing so. Noxigar realizes that he's no good, and fights him.
When Lex and Chaos come home, they find the house completely trashed, with Raiku and Noxigar lying on the carpet. When Chaos demands to know what's going on, Raiku bursts into tears, giving a whole lot of excuses and such. (BAWW BAWW IT WAS AN ACCIDENT HE ATTACKED ME FIRST BAWW BAWW)
Chaos doesn't fall for any of it, but Lex (lacking proper judgement) takes pity, and convinces Chaos to let him stay. Raiku becomes an asskisser to Lex, while Noxigar is (understandably) pissed.
The next day, Raiku carries on causing trouble behind Lex and Chaos' back, while Noxigar keeps rushing after him, trying to fix it all. Noxigar has enough of this, and attacks Raiku again, causing another huge fight. Lex and Chaos walk in just at the right time, and they see Raiku giving a beat down on Noxigar. At that moment, Noxigar unleashes an explosion potion, destroying the front room (and the front of the house) completely.
Lex finally realizes that Raiku is a troublemaker, and uses his powers to teleport Raiku to a different dimension, making sure that he will never bother any of them again. Chaos is pissed off at both of them. Lex, for being a complete idiot, and Noxigar, for blowing the living room out. He punishes them in a way that's both humiliating and cruel.

So, what do you think? Lex 19:06, 22 October 2011 (UTC)

I like it. It would be a sort of "comical outcome to dramatic reveal x". Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 20:39, 22 October 2011 (UTC)
Awesome. Lex 22:42, 22 October 2011 (UTC)
I approve. Trying to get through most of it as I make a specific set of conditions for Noxigar's combat with Raiku to take place. Then when he actually does something disastrous, he will suffer the consequences. Noxigar 17:07, 1 November 2011 (UTC)
Fabulous. However, when it comes to the time where Lex sends him to another dimension, let me handle that bit, as I have something special in mind~ ^^ Lex 22:31, 1 November 2011 (UTC)

I had an idea but I'm still brainstorming in the works what I'd want for Episode 3 of this. Seeing as at the current moment I want to sing "Stairway to Heaven" in countertenor. Noxigar 01:18, 5 November 2011 (UTC)

I wanted to introduce a vaguely recurring villain into the series. I've already drafted him up, I just want to throw him in and see how he does. If we did this, he'd be less like an antagonist that we direly need to stop, so much as an annoyance that we oft have to get out of the way.
We're not ready for super complex melding shifting storylines yet. Other than that, the rest of the episode plot is still open. Hell, the villain we introduce doesn't even have to interact with them yet, I just want to acknowledge his existence. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 06:56, 5 November 2011 (UTC)
Perhaps this next episode can be another introductory episode for some recurring characters. I'd still like to know what makes Chaos pissed at Town Hall of all things... :VNoxigar 22:12, 6 November 2011 (UTC)

<Looks through, just as an occasional thing I do with this wiki>

Oh, yay! This is getting remade...again. I am okay with Episode 1, at any rate. Also... the plot for Episode 2 sounds awesome. Noxigar 20:35, 24 October 2011 (UTC)

Of course it's awesome. It's mine. Everything I do is awesome. ;D Lex 23:53, 24 October 2011 (UTC)

can i be in this?

Not as, like, a member of the estate, but as a recurring character who can't seem to hold a job. Like one episode I'll be an exterminator another I'll be something else and I do something that ends up essentially being totally pointless to your quest.RemolaySig.pngtalk 01:56, 6 November 2011 (UTC)

Not going to lie, I was actually going to write you in as a Housemate. I mean, just because you're part of the house doesn't mean you always have to write. Furthermore, you don't have to write for us. You can just do your own thing every so often, as long as you write yourself in and out. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 03:16, 6 November 2011 (UTC)
Oh. Well, I was really going in that assuming I wasn't going to be planned as a house mate. I still want to do a changing jobs thing though RemolaySig.pngtalk 03:21, 6 November 2011 (UTC)
That's fine, I just thought you could have a deeper involvement with the show, as I had planned. I mean, you can totally hop jobs each episode and pop in and out, I just really like the idea of a character like that in the house. You could even show yourself working at your job, and we could, like, ruin your job and make you have to quit or get fired. I really like that idea. You can start next episode, if you want, we'll bring you right in and stuff. I'll make sure of it! Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 03:29, 6 November 2011 (UTC)
hey remolay, i think he likes you ;D Lex 10:37, 6 November 2011 (UTC)
Everything's fine, Remo. I should probably go and have Episode 3 at the ready so you can intro yourself and teh like. Unfortunately, I have to weight on Lex and Chaos to finish Episode 2, as my phase of the episode is as complete as possible. :V I shall make the Episode 3 template and let you start, Remolay. Noxigar 20:52, 6 November 2011 (UTC)

just sayin'

there should be an episode where there is a wacky misunderstanding then it is resolved FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png