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Part 1: Oh Deery Me

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: Campers were put to the test by racing to Bony Island via canoe. There, they had to go around the island, avoiding danger and...being eaten. At the end of the island run, they had to build a signal fire. We saw Tom getting a little pyrokinetic action, and Kyubii taking a weird tiki doll for wood. Kale warned Kyubii of Bony Island's curse, but Kyubii didn't believe in it, and chucked the idol, along with his chances of winning into the ocean. In the end, the Bass finally got a victory and it was up to the Gophers to vote someone off, and it was Kyubii who voted himself off.

{Cut back to Chris}

CHRIS: Can the Screaming Gophers recover from this loss? Will the Bass finally reach the top again? Find out, tonight, on TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to the Gopher Cabin}

BRUCE: {yawn} Good morning, Kale. Kale?

{Kale is snoring}

BRUCE: Hehehe...hey, Tom. Wake up.

TOM: U...uh...whu? {yawn} Wow, we're early risers...

BRUCE: Tom, we're gonna do something funny.

TOM: What?

{Cut to the outside of the cabin, Bruce and Tom walk out laughing}

KALE: {yawn} Uh...

FOXX: Kale? You...up?

KALE: Yeah...kinda early too.

PTER: Uh...bud? You got something on your face...

KALE: Huh?

{Zoom out of the Gopher Cabin}

KALE: Anyone got a mirror? Something reflective? Oh, thanks...I...WHAT THE?!

MEGAN: Bruce did it.


TOM: Oh damn. He found us out...

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

TOM: Hey, Kale? You got-

KALE: I know.

{Various Gophers snicker, Zoom out to show Kale with a curly moustache drawn on him}

JESS: You need to shave.

KALE: It's fake...okay? Well, you could say I'm not all mad. I'd expect this kind of stuff from Bruce anyway.

TOM: Yeah.

CHRIS: Attention, campers! Ever go out into the woods? Even hunt deer? If not, this is your chance. One team will be the hunters, trying to find the "deer," also known as the other team. If all deer are caught before times up, the deer team loses and moves on to the next round, where they will be the hunters. If the deer team can win the hunting round, they win the challenge. Anyway, get ready to hone your hiding skills, Gophers, because you are the deer for the first round.

VAN: Oh no...

JESS: What's wrong?

VAN: I suck at hiding. I'd rather shoot first.

CHRIS:'re going to have to wear these. {holds up fake deer tails and helmets with antlers}


GEOFF: Okay, Bass. To stay on top, we have to have good aim, good stealth, and teamwork, which I believe is SOMETHING we need to work on...a little more, seeing as we worked well last challenge.

LUCAS: Just leave everything to me.

RYAN: Oh no, Lucas. Give Geoff a chance. He's our captain.

LUCAS: Who ca...okay. I understand.

ELYSSA: I think we're getting the good Lucas back...

LUCAS: Oh, don't count on it coming soon...

ELYSSA: Well, I tried.

GEOFF: Killer Bass, let's do this.

{Cut to the woods}

CHRIS: Okay, campers! I will give the Gophers a five minute head start. Then you guys will go and hunt them. Okay, Gophers, go hide!

{Cut to Tom in the woods}

TOM: Just have to keep quiet and...WOAH!

{Tom trips over Kale}

KALE: Shhhhhh! I'm trying to hide here.

TOM: Sorry.

{Cut to Van in the woods}

VAN: This looks like a nice place...hiding behind that large rock...

{Van hides behind a sleeping bear}

{Cut to the Bass, armed with paintball guns}

GEOFF: Okay guys. I want you all to split up. Tex, you go snipe from the trees, Lucas and Elyssa, go west. Ryan, you and Fenri take the east. Ashley and I will bear north.

TEX: Hey bro, can you give me a... {Lucas and Elyssa just walk by} ...lift. Anyone?

{Zoom out to show no one beside Tex}

TEX: Goddammit.

{Cut to Bruce and Pter in the woods}

PTER: Good thing you've gotten over your fear...

BRUCE: Nah, I may be afraid of being hunted, but I always love a good game of paintballing.

{Several shooting noises are heard}

BRUCE: What was that?

{A shot is heard, and Pter cringes with a red splat on his back}


PTER: I'm hit! {Falls over}

{Several more shots are heard}

PTER: Go, Bruce! Run!

BRUCE: AaaaAAAH! {runs away}

{Cut to Foxx and Megan}

FOXX: wanted to talk.

MEGAN: Yeah. I think Tom likes Jess more than me.

FOXX: Megan, I really don't think Tom's ever had a thing for you...I mean, no offense.

MEGAN: Well, come to think of it, I never really had a think for anyone here.

FOXX: What about Kale? He seems nice...

MEGAN: Eh, Kale's probably got someone already.

{Cut to Van}

VAN: one will find me now...

{Cut to Tex in a nearby tree}

TEX: I've got you now...

{Tex fires. The paintball makes a blue splat on the rock, which so happens to be a sleeping bear.}

{The Bear growls}

VAN: I really hope that's my stomach...

{The Bear roars}

VAN: Oh, crap.

{Van runs away screaming}

{Cut to Fenri and Ryan in a bush}

FENRI: We got one! It's that Leafeon kid!

RYAN: Take aim and FIRE!

{Fenri and Ryan fire at Van, knocking him over}

VAN: Ok! Ok! {waving his shirt like a white flag} I surrender! I SURRENDER!

{The Bear, who has been chasing Van roars}


{Outhouse Cam: Chris}

CHRIS: Oooh! Sounds like someone needs medical attention! Oh, Cheeeeefff...

{Cut to Geoff and Ashley watching from the bushes}

GEOFF: Ok. Be quiet now...

{Tom and Jess are sneaking by, they are covered with various colored splats}

ASHLEY: Yeeeeeessss...

{Cut to Kale, Megan, and Foxx, they get shot with paintballs}

{Cut to Bruce, he gets shot and falls over}

Part 2: Take Aim, Gophers!

{Cut to outside the woods}

CHRIS: And with Round 1 over, this puts the Bass in the lead!

{The Killer Bass all cheer}

CHRIS: Which means you are the deer now. You guys get a head

TEX: Lucas! A little help here!

{Lucas just runs past Tex, ignoring him}

ASHLEY: Come on! {grabs Tex and runs off}

CHRIS: Now, Gophers. You have a problem...

{Cut to Van in the Infermary, missing his shirt and looking pretty banged up}

CHRIS: {voiceover} You're...missing a hunter. He had a run-in with a bear...

{Cut back}

CHRIS: ...and will be out for this round.

TOM: Of all the people to lose! Van said he was an excellent shot.

FOXX: Well, we're just going to make up for it. Let's go, team!

{The Gophers run off into the woods}

{Cut to Ryan and Fenri, sneaking through the woods}

FENRI: Do I really have to wear this?

RYAN: Shh...

{Fenri notices something; a sleeping Bungee Wolf}

FENRI:'s a Bungee Wolf! I wanna take it!

RYAN: As long as it doesn't interfere, we're good.

FENRI: Look at it, just sleeping...

{The Bungee Wolf wakes up}

FENRI: Uh oh...

{The Bungee Wolf looks at Fenri and cuddles against him}

FENRI: Phew...

{Cut to Tex and Ashley}

TEX: Thanks for the save...My brother hasn't been doing much for me...

ASHLEY: Aren't you the older brother?

TEX: Yeah, but I was the one in the accident, so it really doesn't matter.

ASHLEY: I wish there was a way to fix it though...

TEX: From what I know there isn't. There's no hope for me.

ASHLEY: Don't say that. I'm sure we can fix it somehow. Hey, if we can find a hacksaw, we can take Van's legs while he's unconcious.

TEX:'re funny.

{Cut to Geoff, Lucas, and Elyssa}

GEOFF: Lucas...what's been on your mind?

LUCAS: What do you mean?

GEOFF: Why have you been being such a...jerk?

LUCAS: It's that goddamned brother of mine. He's just getting in my way.

GEOFF: But why take it out on us?

LUCAS: I...well...I...I felt like this team was off on a bad foot, and I wanted to pull us out of the water...

ELYSSA: But you only messed us up more!

LUCAS: Hey, we won last time, okay?

ELYSSA: Lucas...

LUCAS: Look, I just want us to win. Geoff hasn't been doing enough work to help keep this team on top.

GEOFF: I do plenty of work! You don't have the skill I have! I was in the final 6 for Pete's sake!

LUCAS: Okay, you've done nothing but kick back! You just use your status to be lazy!

GEOFF: I should've never picked you to be on my team! I realize the mistake I made of choosing you!

LUCAS: Well...I never wanted to be on your team anyway!

ELYSSA: Both of you, shut it! They're going to hear us!

{Lucas, Geoff, and Elyssa are all shot}

TOM: Don'tcha just love when you catch the other team fighting?

JESS: I sure do!


{Cut to Tex and Ashley}

TEX: And...that's what happened...

ASHLEY: Wow...why did he do that anyway?

TEX: He said I was in his way...

ASHLEY: Where did this happen anyway?

TEX: I forget...but let's not worry about it...

{Suddenly, Tex gets shot}

ASHLEY: What just...

{Ashley gets shot}

MEGAN: Nice hit, Foxx! That just leaves Ryan and Fenri!

{Cut to Ryan, alone in the woods}

RYAN: It's almost sundown. If I survive till then, we win! They'll never find me here...

{Zoom out, Ryan's outside the Infermery}

VAN: {slowly waking up} there?

CHEF: Right here.

VAN: got an extra gun?

CHEF: Right here. {hands Van a gun}

VAN: Okay...{coughs} Let's roll.

CHEF: You crazy? You can't-

VAN: I've got this...

{Van limps out. He spots Ryan hiding, and slowly works to shoot him}

RYAN: I'm...hit? By who?!

{Van falls to the ground unconscious}

{Cut to outside the woods, everyone but Fenri is there}

CHRIS: And with a stunning defeat by the injured one, Ryan is the last deer left gone down, meaning the Screaming Gophers win!

LUCAS: Wait...where's Fenri?

CHRIS:'s sundown, and Fenri's not here...meaning the Killer Bass are the victors!

{The Killer Bass all cheer}

CHRIS: Okay, Gophers. It's time. To the campfire!

Part 3: Make Like a Tree And "Leaf"

{Cut to the Campfire}

CHRIS: Campers, you're votes are in.

{Outhouse Cam: Tom}

TOM: Nice hit there, but it wasn't the last guy.

{Outhouse Cam: Foxx}

FOXX: This seems kind of wrong, but I'm voting Van off.

{Cut back}

CHRIS: You guys remember, whoever does not get a marshmallow must walk the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and never return. Anyway, the first marshmallow goes to...

{The following recieve a marshmallow}

CHRIS: Bruce.

CHRIS: Kale.


CHRIS: Jess.

CHRIS: Megan.

CHRIS: Foxx.

{One marshmallow is left}

CHRIS: And the final recipient is...

{Pter is not phased at all, Van is a wreck, physically and nerve-wise}

CHRIS: Pter.

{Pter recieves his marshmallow}

CHRIS: Van, it's time.

VAN: I understand.

{Van walks with crutches to the Boat}

VAN: So long, Screaming Gophers. I wish I could've stayed longer, but I gotta go.

{The Boat of Losers sails away}

TOM: Well, seems we've got a losing streak. Let's show those Bass what we can do next challenge.

{Cue Credits}

Fun Facts

  • Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah nope.