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Latest revision as of 23:47, 17 November 2008


LIAME: Checkin' mail, day by day! Er, month by month.

No subject given.

I will KILL YOU. Open the attachment.


LIAME: Oh holy crap. {snaps fingers, Lemon and Homsar run in} Not you, Homsar.

HOMSAR: DaAaAaAaA, I'm a purty cupcake. {floats away}

LIAME: Now, I've called you in because I got this e-mail. {shows them it}

LEMON: Weird. Try typing in this first. {types in "whosentthis.exe". A window pops up}

LIAME: So, what'ld it do?

LEMON: It tracks who sent this e-mail.

{"Unknown. Try again later." pops up on the screen}

LIAME: Weird. I'll download Winzip and the "portal" now. {clicks on winzip.exe, downloads it}

LEMON: Okay, download Place it in the file winzip.exe.

LIAME: Okay... {does so}

LEMON: Hm, guess it doesn't do any-

{a portal opens up out of the Purpy.}

LIAME: Wait- {stops time, grabs soda, drinks it} Go.

{five minutes later...}

LEMON: Wow, we ended up in a crater burrowed deep into the ground.

LIAME: Okay... {bumps into stalagmite} Ow.

LEMON: Stalagmites? I have some friend names Stalag Mite.

LIAME: Er... What? Whatever...

{they come to a cave}

LEMON: {quickly} Yourgoingin. {pushes Liame}

ANNOUNCER: Will they survive? Who sent this mysterious email? Find out on the next episode of Liamemail.omelet!