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Latest revision as of 19:31, 10 October 2008


{open to Liame's basement}

LIAME: Gotta check em', the creator forces me to do it.

{an e-mail pops up}

Hello there Liame,

I am an alien fugitive desperate for a home. Can I stay at your house untill the cops are gone? 



P.S. I'm not illeagal on earth!

LIAME: I'm not gonna do it because of that vampire baby.

VAMPIRE: Goo. {explodes}

LIAME: ...I thought I threw you at The Gasping People!

{cut to jail. The Gasping People are there.}

GASPING PEOPLE: Oh yeah. {they run aaaaalll the way back to Liame's basement}

LIAME: I shouldn't of mentioned your name.

GASPING PEOPLE: Ha ha! {gasps}

LIAME: That, my friend. That is just unfair.

{the doorbell rings}

LIAME: Who could that be? {answers door}


{five minutes later...}

{Cut to a field full of flowers. Liame and the Alien are running threw the flowers.}

LIAME: Weeeeee!

{cut to Lemon, sighing}

LEMON: I just don't get Liame sometimes.

{cut to Liame's basement. Liame and the Alien are there}

LIAME: I might just give up John for you!

ALIEN: Hey Liame. I'm gonna turn radioactive.

{The Alien starts glowing. Cut to outside. A Hasmat squad, Liame, and John are there. Liame's house is glowing}

HASMAT: Sorry, Liame, you're going to be out here for a few days.

LIAME: Fiddlesticks. Well, how will I check e-mails?

HASMAT: Hmmm... I can buy you a new computer!

LIAME: Deal. Now, I'm going to go shopping for... er... 'stuff' with John.

{cuts to black screen}

ANNOUNCER: Will Liame get a side computer? Will Liame's house repair? FIND OUT SOON!

Easter Eggs

  • At the end when the announcer says "Will Liame get a side computer?", click on the black to see a note saying "Yes, he will. I'm gonna name it {SPOILERS} -LD".