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The Official Colors of Ziplandia
Motto: "Home of the Awesome"
Presidemporer(?): Zippy Parker Platypus

Capital City: Zippy's House

National Language: Ziplandian, Crustacean

Population: 2

Currency: Ziplandian Dollars (Z$)

Military: Purple Platypus Corps

Allies: Oralina

Enemies: None as of yet)

Ziplandia, officially the Democratic Republic of Ziplandia, is an autonomous enclave located within the city of Anytown, USA. It is, to speak technically, the backyard of Zippy the Platypus, but Zippy himself likes to refer to it as a country. Ziplandia is adjacent to the neighboring countries of "Mitchnya" and "Kookistan", two entirely made-up names for Kooky and Mitch's houses.

According to ancient Ziplandian scrolls, Ziplandia was founded by incumbent Zippy P. Platypus in the year 1993. It is said that he bought the property from local natives (the natives being the Anytown real estate agents), who agreed to trade him the secret of cultivation for shiny beads (beads, in this case, being thousands of dollars). Years later, Zippy adopted Sticky Lobster as his Vice President. Coincidentally, these two are also the only ones who live in Ziplandia.

Ziplandia is comprised of several small "cities". The capital city and largest city, Zippy's House (Ziplandian "Zippy's House"; Crustacean "bbrghrg"), is a hustling, bustling metropolis. Among the important structures include the Indy X9, Zippy's bed, and Zippy's TV. One of the other cities of Ziplandia is the Lake House (Ziplandian "Lake House"; Crustacean "gghggh"). The Lake House--aptly named because it sits upon a small lake--is the major port city. Albeit, the port doesn't quite... go anywhere, but that's unimportant. A county of the Lake House is the Hammer (Ziplandian "Hammer"; Crustacean "brrflpt"). It's just a hammer that's on the ground.

Ziplandia's economy runs on Ziplandian dollars, which are quite honestly no different than U.S. dollars. Zippy insists, however, the exchange rate is oh-so-slightly different. There is nothing to prove this.

The national language of Ziplandia is "Ziplandian"... which is really just English. The secondary language is Crustacean, spoken by noted foreign dignitary Sticky the lobster.

Ziplandian entertainment includes Zippy Emails, the one and only Ziplandian show on Ziplandian networks. Other entertainment includes dumping old beers in the hedges of bordering Mitchnya.

Zippy Emails involving Ziplandia

  • millionaire - Zippy proposes (and eventually builds) a statue of himself in Ziplandia.
  • ziplandia - Zippy introduces Ziplandia.