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Episode 3 - "Planning to Fail"


CAST: Strong Sader, Ekul, Vindicator, Zoo977, Kyves, Meek Sader, Unholy Tracy, Van, Sephiroth, Pizzaboy, Chaos, Raiku, Noxigar, Nived, Darlon, Bankrupt, Davros, Dark Sader, Tahu


{Open to the refridgeration zone where Strong Sader and Ekul are holding up. They are both beginning to transform slowly into pizza, as the low temperature's effects on their condition wear off.}

STRONG SADER: {Sneezes, cheese comes out instead of snot} Any progress?

EKUL: On the plan or on the cure?

STRONG SADER: Er... both.

EKUL: The thunderstorm will be here tomorrow. I believe they will be attacked before then. The cure, I found that the opposite of pizza has no vegetables, dairy or meat. That means dark chocolate, pasta, soda and fruit. We need to make a recipie.

STRONG SADER: Perhaps the Food Channel can help us.

{Vindicator walks in, wearing pajamas, holding a mug of coffee.}

VINDICATOR: ...I've got to remember to CLOSE my portals.

STRONG SADER: Yo, Apoc. What happened to you? Changed name, have you?

ZOO977: {walk in, holding a weird cone shaped case} Um... Where am I?

{Vindicator swings at Strong Sader with a fist and falls to the ground.}

VINDICATOR: Wake me up later, uncle flatfoot... {snores}

ZOO977: It's later! {hits vindicator on the head with the case. A satisfyingg "clonk" is heard}

{Vindicator gets up, with a grimace and throws Zoo through a portal.}

VINDICATOR: Give it 2 hours.

{Vindicator hangs himself. He beings to snore.}

{zoo flies through the door. Vindicator almost gets hit, but continues sleping. Zoo has another case and his backpack now}

ZOO977: What was that for?!?

STRONG SADER: Close that portal! A draft could be lethal for us.

ZOO977: {drinks the portal. it closes halfway through the straw} Yum yum!

{A demon sticks his head through the half-portal.}


{Strong Sader throws a lump of ice at the portal. It flickers then closes completely.}

ZOO977: Aww....

{OOC: Strong Sader and Ekul are not physically present, they are only holograms transmitted from an icy warehouse}

{Cut to the enterence of the power plant. Kyves, Meek Sader and Van are outside.}

KYVES: Okay. The plant has a robot security system. Once the plant is destroyed, all the robots will either shut down or explode. We can either use stealth or enter in, guns blazing.

MEEK SADER: I guess our lack of guns give us only one option.

KYVES: Okay. Now, here's the blueprint. We enter through the left window and through the laser hall. Then we go through the vent until we enter the main hall, which we will have to wait for a guard to pass. Then we climb down the elevator shaft and then through the maintenance ladder into the core room. I'll do the the main job. Now, decide amongst yourselves who will monitor for the lightning bolt and who will stand guard and other jobs.

MEEK SADER: {Looks to the left, toward the window Kyves mentioned} Hey... what's that?

{Meek Sader points toward a pod in a small impact crater a few feet from the window.}

KYVES: I don't know... Ekul, Strong Sader, come in!

EKUL: Yeah? What is it?

UNHOLY TRACY:{hanging from ceiling} That's just my Tardis. I tried getting it working again, but it exploded, reformed, and it's chameleon circuit started working again. Whjy it's a pod, I have no idea.

{Sephiroth rides in.}

SEPHIROTH: Hey guys, sorry I left, but the Pizzabot left a nasty dent in this. I had to fix it. After I fixed it, I decided to Polish it, Renovate it, Paint It, Change some spare parts, change my clothes, and... well... yeah.

STRONG SADER: The pod that the Pizzabot launched in its death throws landed in town somewhere. Whatever's growing inside it will probably pose a threat to your mission. Look out for it, guys.

UNHOLY TRACY: Ehh... You know what? i should probably check in there. {jumps down, runs out}

{UT can be seen via the window entering the pod. he instantly runs out}

UNHOLY TRACY:{runs in} It's horrible in there! Even for me! It's as is someone covered Seph's bike in nacho cheese and threw it in a wood chipper!

SEPHIROTH: So.. it looks like Metallic Nachos?

{A half man-half pizza beast emerges from the pod.}


UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... Now that it isn't hanginf from he cieling via wires made of cheese, metal, and pepperoni, it looks almost edible!

{pizzaboy breaks into the plant. UT lunges at it, gnawing his arm off}


{Pizzaboy shakes off Unholy Tracy, and the section of his arm that was eaten regrows. Unholy Tracy begins to mutate into a similar creature due to contamination.}

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Meh. {explodes into flash of light, transforms back to normal. a piece of radioactive pizza falls to the ground. UT destroys it}

MEEK SADER: It's a combination of both man and pizza! It's almost indistructable!

UNHOLY TRACY: What are you talking about? I eat humans and pizza almost every day!

SEPHIROTH: I eat raw fish.

CHAOS: I eat anything I want to.

RAIKU: I don't eat.

CHAOS: Who the crap are you?

RAIKU: Satan's spawn.

CHAOS: No you're not. Satan is my godfather, and His records don't show any relatives of his.

RAIKU: Iwas put up for adpotion and he destroyed all records of me bieng his son.

CHAOS: Interesting.

RAIKU: Yep. We are god-brother.

VAN: Oh, sweet Arceus. Another demon.

{Chaos walks over to Van, stares at him for 10 seconds, and sticks a knife in his right eye.}

{Raiku shoots his gunblade at van.}

SEPHIROTH: At least I'm not related to anyone. Wow. Van. {Takes the knife out.} Be more careful Chaos.

CHAOS: "Pull out a machine gun an go crazy, Chaos?" Okay!

{Chaos pulls out a machine gun and rapidly fires it into the air. hundreds of birds, Superman, and 2 planes fall.}


RAIKU: Follow me! {Grabs Chaos arm and teleports them to safety}

{One of the planes falls on Van, killing him. Van's ghost appears}

VAN: Wow. First Wikihood death. does this work?

RAIKU: Were you bad or good? If you were good you go to heven,but if you were bad you meet my father satan.

VAN: I believe I'd go to neither, and flock to the Pokemon Tower, but...I think I stay here until next episode, where I get my mortal body back.

RAIKU: Deal. Do you want me to teleport yuo to the pokemon tower?

CHAOS: Or You could just sign this contract and I could bring you back to life. I have that power. I'm the son of death.

RAIKU: And i am the son of Satan. And his God Brother

VAN: No thanks, Raiku. And Chaos, I don't trust contracts.

CHAOS: It'll just bring you back to life, I swear!

SEPHIROTH: Satan? I met him. I play cards with him along with Death, Dracula, Hades, and God every Tuesday. And also my friend Damien.

RAIKU: So you are half dead?

SEPHIROTH: No. I just know how to get to hell.

RAIKU: How? I have only been to purgatory

SEPHIROTH: I took the highway. You need to go to Bermuda Triangle. There opens a portal, which leads to the gates.

RAIKU: I thought thats the portal to heaven.

CHAOS: you know, I didn't LIVE in Hell for most of my life or anything.

RAIKU: I lived in purgatory. they have some good bars.

SEPHIROTH: No, for heaven, you need to go to Cloud 9 to go there.

RAIKU: I thought it was cloud 10.


RAIKU: Sephroth all ready told me how.

CHAOS: No, he didn't There's only ONE way.


CHAOS: That's the gate to Candyland.

RAIKU: No wonder it taste so good.

UNHOLY TRACY: Actually, there's two ways. The one Chaos mentioned and reality-bending powers.

RAIKU: And my Satan Powers.


{OOC: Please stop contradicting me Chaos. you always do that.}

RAIKU: I will use my powers on him even though hes my brother.

MEEK SADER: Erm... Pizzaboy!

PIZZABOY: {Roars} You shall pay for killing my parent!!

SEPHIROTH: I WILL NOT PAY ANYTHING!!! {Rides straight through Pizzaboy, and when he comes out, his jacket is pizza.} Damn! That cost me money!

{The pieces of pizza slattered over the ground and Seph's jacket crawl at a fair speed back toward Pizzaboy and recollect to fully rebuild him. Sephiroth then starts to set the Pizzaboy's foot on fire.}


{Pizzabot tosses the pure fire at Seph. He's set on fire. Pizzaboy is undamaged.}

SEPHIROTH: Ha! I'm wearing fireproof clothes! {Starts to dance. A breeze of wind blows the fire off.}

RAIKU: Im hungry. (Starts to eat pizzaboy.)


{Raiku starts to mutate into another pizza-human}

MEEK SADER: Stand back! If the process fails he may explode!

CHAOS: Even better.

{Pizzaboy rears up and begins absorbing soil and converts it into more flesh for himself, and begins to grow and mutate into a larger more beast-like creature.}

CHAOS: Are we going to have another super-powered battle?

PIZZABOY: Not quite!

{Pizzaboy fires a lump of Pizza matter down Chaos' throught. He begins mutating.}

CHAOS: Do this all you want, it'll just be a repeat of last episode!

{Chaos tears off the pizza skin to reveal he's still under it.

CHAOS: What're we supposed to do, not-so-Strong Sader?

MEEK SADER: Try vomiting.


UNHOLY TRACY: I'll try something. {grabs Pizzaboy, runs outside}

{through the window youcan see UT carrying Pizzaboy into the pod. after a few seconds, red smoke comes out of it. UT walks out}

UNHOLY TRACY:{walks in} There. I supernova'd him.

{The pod crumbles away, and Pizzaboy emerges larger then ever.}

RAIKU: FINAL CHANCE!!! {A giant Rainstorm of Dark Meteors and Black Rain falls on pizzaboy destroying him}

{The pod reforms, and the Pizzaboy does as well, now with a purple aura, red eyes, and black wings. Noxigar arrives onscreen.}

NOXIGAR: Did you say "final"? {snaps his fingers, and Raiku's rainstorm ceases} Let's not kill anyone, okay? The pizza delivery guy needs to do his job. And Strong Sader could sue you if you godmod.

SEPHIROTH: His job is to kill us. We killed his father.

NOXIGAR: So? Strong Sader will just blow up the universe if we keep making random subplots nothing to do with imminent failure, which is the apparent point of this episode. So, what are we failing at, I wonder?

SEPHIROTH: No idea man. Who are ya anyways?

NOXIGAR: Name's Noxigar. Commit it to memory. What's yours?

SEPHIROTH: I have no name at the moment, so I call myself Sephiroth. Well, I do know my first name. Lexo. Whichever one floats your boat. Amnesia, you see. You know.

NOXIGAR: Well, now that we're on a name-to-name basis...

{Noxigar takes out two red chakram from a backpack behind him}

NOXIGAR: Don't go dying on me.

{Noxigar charges towards Sephiroth, only to stop himself midway}

NOXIGAR: Meh, this isn't going to amount to anything. {puts the chakrams back in his backpack} Let's go find Strong Sader so we can advance the plot without being useless.

SEPHIROTH: {Cough} This is the main plot right now... {Cough.} And by the way, it was a good thing you stopped, because I would of just shot you in the head.

NOXIGAR: So you having amnesia is the plot? That's awkward. I wager some alien will say, "Find me some random jewels that you forgot about" and you'll just go do that instead of listening to me. Wait, that probably wouldn't happen, would it?

SEPHIROTH: Nope. Character development. Pizzaboy is main plot. ...God, I hate 4th Wall breaking. It really gives me hernia. Ow....

NOXIGAR: You're telling me... that he's the key character to this whole episode? I find that somewhat acceptable.

SEPHIROTH: Stop it! The Hernia's getting worse...

NOXIGAR: I'll stop. {Noxigar walks towards Pizzaboy} Alright, you. Tell me your purpose!

UNHOLY TRACY: Wait, random alien? Jewels? Okay then. {to Sephiroth} Hey Seph, go find me the dung-pile orbs or Betelgeuse 12. Nah, I'm kidding. Er, wait. "Lexo"? Do you mean "Lexon", Sephiroth? If so, I may know your name. But I'm not gonna say it, because that would be anticlimactic.

NOXIGAR: I think we're supposed to find anti-pizza. So, it can't be anything nutritional, or at least nothing nutritionally versatile.

SEPHIROTH: Yes, Lexon. And before you say anything.. Darkheart is not it.

RAIKU: Your real name is LEON!

UNHOLY TRACY:{to Seph} ...Crap. {to Noxigar} And we need kit to be very pure, young, and soft, considering he has the powers of darkness, a supernova, and steel. Hmm... {reaches into backpack, pulls out a rather filthy infant, throws it at the pizzaboy}

{the pizzaboy flinches}

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Well, I guess we know our anti-pizza.

SEPHIROTH: No Raiku. It is not.


SEPHIROTH: I'm not a *BEEP* Organization XIII member.


SEPHIROTH: {Facepalms} Oy vey....

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... Seph, could you be just The Lexon? ...Oh wait. Not all aliens are time lords. Um... You look vampiric, so... Lexon Collins maybe?

SEPHIROTH: But I'm not an Alien, or a Time Lord, or a Vampire. I'm just a normal 17 year old who has a cool jacket and a motorcycle, and speaks in a British accent, that's all...

VAN: And I am a ghost. Whoopdedoo.

UNHOLY TRACY: And I'm a fusion of a mutant alien and his son. Isn't that GREAT?

MEEK SADER: And I'm a fragment of some neurotic teenager. {sarcastically} Amazing, eh? Now what are we going to do about. {Pizzaboy grabs him in his mouth and begins tossing him around} Ow! My bits!

{Vindicator walks in, dragging another Vindicator along.}

VINDICATOR: Don't mind me, folks.



PIZZABOY: That was his job!

SEPHIROTH: Not a very good job. He could of been a Doctor, or a lawyer rich and true! But no! He had to throw his life away. It's his own fault.

PIZZABOY: {Begins crying} I don't want to be bad! I don't want to die like daddy! He wasn't a nasty person!

SEPHIROTH: He still tryed to kill us. And if it makes you feel better, he killed himself.

{Pizzaboy curls up and begins crying.}

{OOC: He's only just been born, so his half-human nature is making him sensitive.}

SEPHIROTH: Umm... I'm guessing that didn't do the trick... {To the others} should we just go? I'm feeling kinda sorry for him.

MEEK SADER: Lets leave him to think for a while.

SEPHIROTH: While he's at it, does anyone want some Mcdonalds? I packed some with me.

MEEK SADER: Yeah, I'll have a a McChicken sandwich.

SEPHIROTH: Alright. {Takes one out of a bag, and gives it to Meek Sader.}

STRONG SADER: The robots inside the plant have some pretty stiff defences. Be careful when you're inside.

KYVES: Wait, shouldn't we check the pod for a cure for Ekul and Strong Sader?

{Cut back to the icy warehouse}

STRONG SADER: Pizzaboy! If we can get a sample of his DNA we might be able to find a way stablize the mutation half-way and buy more time for a perminant cure.

EKUL: Excellent. Kyves! Bring him here.

{Cut to Kyves. Kyves taps him on the shoulder}

KYVES: You need to come with us.

{Kyves takes him over to the warehouse}

EKUL: {Voice} I need a hair sample and a skin sample

KYVES: Here ya go.

{Kyves slides some in. A few minutes go by. Ekul and Strong Sader step out, completely healed.}

STRONG SADER: Okay, what now? Do you want to go up to the plant with the other or there's some stuff in Eric's house that needs some attention.

{Noxigar arrives}

NOXIGAR: I see that Pizzaboy has reformed? Or is that just wishful thinking?

{Sephiroth comes out of the shadows in another pair of clothing.}

SEPHIROTH: It depends. See, he has human emotion, so there is a chance.

NOXIGAR: I'll take the former has the answer.

STRONG SADER: If he knows that his father didn't have the right job then he'll probably be reformed by that knowledge.

NOXIGAR: Let's give him that knowledge then. Or shall he kill us all because of his dad's untimely demise?

SEPHIROTH: I wonder if we can fix his Pizza..ness. I really doubt he likes being made of Pizza.

NOXIGAR: Pizza? Hmm... I wonder if we can turn him into a PS3.

STRONG SADER: Lets not be hasty. Doing something that drastic may have serious effects on his health.

NOXIGAR: You're a whole lot smarter than you appear, Strong Sader.


{Noxigar dresses up as a commander}

NOXIGAR: A'ight, gentlemen! How shall we breach enemy lines?

SEPHIROTH: We could use a decoy!

{Noxigar takes out several of Xaldin's lances from his backpack}

NOXIGAR: We should make something with these.


NOXIGAR: Yes, pointy.

SEPHIROTH: But what are we supposed to do with it? Make dinner?

NOXIGAR: They're for pizza-slicing.

RAIKU: I want one!

{Ekul flies over to Erics house}

EKUL: What do we need to do here?

NOXIGAR: We're trying to get Pizzaboy to be a good guy. So this plot doesn't become as useless as the Batman Forever cartridge.

RAIKU: Or Bill Cosby.

{Noxigar and Raiku dissappear in a puff of continuity, not being there at that location}

STRONG SADER: A number of the users in the simulation went missing as the computer shut down. I thought it was important to track them down.

EKUL: Good idea. Especially the LoE, right?

STRONG SADER: Exactly. We need as many leads as we can to this dome business.

RAIKU: Even the people at the HRFWiki are gone!

EKUL: I'm good with computers, let me try. I'll just scan for their cortical signal. It should be recorded by the simulation...

RAIKU: I will use claireivoyance to find a signal. They are in Disneyland!

STRONG SADER: We should check out the basement.

{Cut to the basement. The enterence opens. The three walk into the basement. Homestar, ragged leaps at them.}

HOMESTAR: Why did you guys leave me!?

RAIKU: Shut up homestar! Theres a evil pizza on the loose!

HOMESTAR: Oh gosh! Is it the Louie?

NOXIGAR: Never heard of the "Louie".

RAIKU: {Roundhouses Homestar in the face} Just shut up already!

NOXIGAR: I honestly don't think that was necessary.

HOMESTAR: What was that for?

{Ekul starts typing on the computer}

EKUL: That's odd. There doesn't seem to be-

{The keyboard explodes. Nived appears on the monitor}

NIVED: Hello, Ekul. How do you like the surprise I left for you? Don't bother trying to scan for us. I removed all traces of us from the system. With a hammer. The dome is unescapable anyway, so why do you care? Meanwhile all of us here at the LoE will be taking over the world!

EKUL: Diabolical.

NIVED: Anyway, cutting to the chase, you'll find a bunch of friendly robots. Well, friendly to us. In fact, just triggering this message makes a big mecha turn online. Well, duty calls, so I'll be seeing you.

{The monitor fizzes out before becoming completely inoperable}

EKUL: That's just great. Just perfect.

HOMESTAR: the Louie used a hammew to make a wobot picture?

EKUL: Do you even know how to listen?

HOMESTAR: Nah. That's not my thing.

RAIKU: I might be able to help Ekul. What do you need?

{Sephiroth runs in.}

SEPHIROTH: Umm... Guys? Something is happening outside. Something BIG.

NOXIGAR: {sarcastically} Yes I realize. We're dealing with an anime cliche. Any anti-cliches?

RAIKU: Nothing too big for Satan's son?

NOXIGAR: {sighs} Anime cliches make this all too easy.

RAIKU: Stop with the anime cliches before I roundhouse you!!!

{Noxigar takes out a tomahawk}

NOXIGAR: Let's just fight this and get this over with.


RAIKU: {Pulls out his Gunblade} I dont take orders from anyone!

SEPHIROTH: {Pulls out a Wooden Rod.} You do from me.

{Raiku shoots Sephiroth, but he dodges.}

{The house rumbles and the top floor is crushed}

RAIKU: Looks like we have bigger problems!

SEPHIROTH: {Pokes Raiku, and he turns around. He then smacks the rod against his head, making him dizzy. He then drives it into his stomach, making him fly into a wall.} Now, lets deal with this problem.

{ Another thump. A piece of the ceiling falls on Strong Sader's head.}

STRONG SADER: Ow. {Falls over}

{Sephiroth pulls him up by the collar.}

SEPHIROTH: You okay?

RAIKU: Use this, Sephiroth! {Passes his gunblade to sephiroth} I goe melee!

STRONG SADER: I'm sort of fine.

{Sparks and flames start shooting everywhere and the entire place explodes.}

STRONG SADER: Protect the simulation! It's our only key to finding out where the LoE's gone!

{Ekul encases the simulation in ice and starts drilling it into the ground}

RAIKU: What does LOE stand for? And ekuls about to kill us all!

SEPHIROTH: No he isn't!

RAIKU: Use my gunblade on the ground!

STRONG SADER: The simulation must have recorded when the moment when the Legion of Evil escaped and set up the dome.

RAIKU: Strong sader is our boss now. wyhat do you want me to do?

SEPHIROTH: Who the heck is the Legion of Evil? Sounds like something from the 1960's Batman Movie.

RAIKU: Its from JLA.

STRONG SADER: An army of three people made from the evil sides of Ekul, Chwoka and i's personalities. They caused some trouble in the simulation until they disappeared shortly after the zombie invasion.


UNHOLY TRACY: Huh? Wh-How long was I out? Last thing I remember, I was talking about vampires or something. And now this place is burnt to the ground, a penguin's trying to force a block of ice into the ground, and Pizzaboy is curled up in the fetal position crying.

SEPHIROTH: The Legion of Evil has unleashed a giant mecha on us.

UNHOLY TRACY: Neat. So, um, WHY is the Pizzaboy crying?

SEPHIROTH: Because we killed his father, and then he had to deal with the fact that he was evil. Plus, he said he didn't want to die like his father.

PIZZABOY: {Still stammering with tears} I wanna help you guys. I want to be a good boy.

SEPHIROTH: Fine.. You can help us.

{Pizzaboy's deformed pizza coating mets away, and reforms into a pizza. Then he grows into a more perfectly formed version of his former self.}

SEPHIROTH: Can I have my Jacket back? I had my wallet in it.

PIZZABOY: Sure. {reaches into chest, pulls out Seph's jacket, covered in cheese, and hands it to him}


{a shovel top comes out of the ground, and creates the top of a hole. zoo climbs out. he looks around}

ZOO977: This isn't kentucky!

UNHOLY TRACY: EH? {looks at the Zoo977 holding the cone-shaped case, looks at the Zoo977 sticking out of the hole} My brain hurts.

ZOO977: I got bored, so I put up a jelly model of me. I then dug a hole inside, instead of kentucky.

{right about then, the model melts. the floor becomes very sticky.}

RAIKU: Who wants to be a team? I do! {puts hand in the middle}

{Cut to the LoE's base of operations. Darlon is screaming at Nived.}

DARLON: A mecha!? I tell you to cover our tracks behind us, and you choose a mecha!? A mecha. Brilliant. Once they use the mecha to escape the dome, how about we tell them we've taken Will hostage, hmm? {presses the intercom button} Dark Sader, get in here.

{A black-robed person enters.}

???? 1: Not Dark Sader, but I can hear everything you said. I'm essentially an evil counterpart to the one known as "Noxigar". And no, I am not Roxas. Although I have a disguise as him...

{The robed person transforms into Roxas}

???? 1: So, this is the infamous Legion of Evil. Nice place you have here.

{Another guy follows.}

???? 2: Hey! Wait for me! {You can only see the back of his neck.} I would like to join you too..

???? 1: Relax. I hear their reaction time to things is rather slow.

???? 2: So I didn't have to run behind you? Oh god. {Falls flat on his face, revealing spiky green hair.} I'm okay.

???? 1: From what I could eavesdrop, there's a hostage named Will. We might be sent to guard him.

???? 2: Or we might be thrown out for tresspassing. Huzzah. Who are you anyway?

???? 1: Name's... Bankrupt Welloder. Yours?

???? 2: Odd name. You can call me... Davros. {He jumps back onto his feet.} Nice to meet you.

BANKRUPT: Well, now that our names are here, let's go find that hostage.

DAVROS: Not too hasty. We still have to see what the others think of us. So... should we like.. tell each other about ourselves?

BANKRUPT: Well, I've explained how I'm a parallel to Noxigar. What about you?

DAVROS: I turned evil after being turned away by society. When I was young, my whole family was killed by Communists. I was scarred in the process. I was shunned by society, and I couldn't find joy in being good, so I took up a life of crime. At first it was petty crimes such as stealing, then it became accidental murder. Soon after, I couldn't turn back, so I decided to let the darkness embrace me. I did, and it was the best choice of my life.

BANKRUPT: So a traumatic part of your life has molded your true colors. Interesting.

{A portal opens and Live-Action Will steps through.}

LIVE-ACTION WILL: Excuse me, just a second. {punches Davros in the gut. Davros falls down.} Thanks. {leaves, portal closes.}

BANKRUPT: What the-? That guy's escaped!

{Dark Sader runs in.}

DARK SADER: You asked for me, Darlon?

NIVED: There's no reason to worry Darlon, but there's no way the Mecha can breach the dome. I myself made sure of it.

{cut back to Pizza Boy's area, Tahu appears}

TAHU: Am I tardy for the party?

STRONG SADER: Well, we're under attack from a giant mechanical killing machine.

EKUL: Well, I'm going to try to knock it down.

{Ekul ices up the ground around the Mecha.}

STRONG SADER: Gee, that thing sure seems resilient.

{The Skates come out of the Mechas feet.}


EKUL: This is going to be bad.

{Suddenly, rocket launchers extend from his wrists}

EKUL: Oh great.

{suddenly, a blur flies in from offscreen and smashes into the mecha, knocking one of it's rocket lauchers off. The blur lands on the mecha's head, and reveals itself to be Unholy Tracy}

UNHOLY TRACY: Friggin narcolepsy... So, what'd I miss?

RAIKU: Just in time! Wanna be a part of our new team? If so put your hand in.

UNHOLY TRACY: Erm... Do I have to agree to anything involving not being able to kill innocent bystanders and/or eating their flesh?

RAIKU: Of course not! I eat bystanders too!

UNHOLY TRACY: Good. In that case, I'm in. {jumps down, kicks the mecha in the nuts, causing it to fall over. Two nut screws come out of its crotch.}

SEPHIROTH: {Laughing.} Irony! Bwahahaha!!

{Vindicator slides out from behind Sephiroth.}

VINDICATOR: That's immature. {gives a >_>; expression}

{Cut to Tahu. He is rolling on the floor.}

TAHU: HAHAHA! NUTS! HAHAHA I GET I- {looks at Vindicator} Oh.

SEPHIROTH: Well come on! It is funny!

{The Mecha starts to get up. Its fingers slide back into the hands, and come out again, with Chainsaws.}


{The Mecha blasts 3 rockets that blaze by at an incredible speed towards Unholy Tracy, exploding spectacurally when they hit him. He readies his chainsaw hand and makes a gigantic swoop across all the good guys}

VAN: {poofs and is not a ghost anymore} Hey! I'm alive! Yeah! {gets sliced in half by the chainsaw} Crap.

SEPHIROTH: {Sephiroth jumps onto the Mecha, and climbs into a little space where the head is. He is seen in the Mechas eyes.} Hey! Guys! I'll try to dismantle him from the inside!

{The mecha sneezes Sephiroth out through a nose-like grill on its head. He flies down and lands on Strong Sader, crushing him.}

SEPHIROTH: Sorry Sader. By the way, if we destroy this mech, can I have its spare parts? I could make something out of it.

STRONG SADER: {Ghost} Sure, if you want.

CHAOS: Think I could also?

EKUL: If I know Nived, there won't be anything left of it if we beat it. Hmm... but if there is some sort of self destruct or something we could trigger it to beat it. If we want to steal its parts we have to avoid doing anything that may trigger it.

{Pan above what's left of Eric's house to show that Kyves and Meek Sader are both being crushed in the mecha's grip.}

MEEK SADER: {crack} Ow. My ribs.

{Fade out. Credits.}